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i am SO done trying to teach my 9 year old.


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Seriously. I am so done. After 2 days back from Christmas break, I have a headache from my blood pressure being up so high for so long.


Grace has sensory processing disorder, sensory modulation dysfunction, developmental dyspraxia, and auditory processing disorder. She was diagnosed this fall. We dont have a sensory diet, but I need to get with her OT and get one, because I am just not having the time and brainpower to make a sensory diet for her.


She is also in early puberty, probably 6 months away from getting her period. So we have anxiety, rage, overreaction to stimulus, anxiety because of other children interrupting her when she is doing school with me, anxiety at doing school independently, backtalk attitude, consequences being given for infractions to conduct (she's not allowed to bang the table or stomp her foot repeatedly when she's frustrated, for example). She refuses to do any self calming activities even when her OT has told both of us that its her responsibility to initiate them, and to do them when I suggest them...


She looks like a normal child. But she's just not. And I dont have anywhere else to blow off steam.. all my friends with "garden variety" homeschooled kids just dont understand how her behaviour is affected by her sensory issues.


I need to re-read The Explosive Child and the Sensory Sensitive Child. And I need to make a conference appt with her OT.


But man, I cant believe I am right back where I was before Christmas break already with just being at the end of my rope trying to teach this resistant child.



Thanks for listening.

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Have you had a neuropsychological eval done? It sounds like there might be more than just the sensory/learning stuff going on.


Did they see any mood issues, ADD/ADHD, anxiety (I know you mention that), etc? If so, medication might be a big help. I know that it has reduced the tension in our home about 90%. It really helps my relationship with the child as well as the child's self esteem and ability to focus and learn.

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she definitely has anxiety issues. she inherited that from me. In fact, it wasn't until I saw her anxiety so clearly that I started looking at my own and got on medication. It isn't helping me a whole lot, but things are better than they were before medication. I don't doubt that she would do well on medication, but I wonder if she is too young.


An example of her anxiety.. in the year of 2007, she was able to psychosomatically induce vomiting if she felt overly full. She didn't even need to be over-ful in actuality. She would also freak out during thunderstorms and run for the toilet.


I realize that anxiety can be co-morbid with sensory issues, like ADHD can be co-morbid with sensory issues. No one has really addressed her anxiety in the testing at her OT place, but acknowledge that often her anxiety is to things she hears, her auditory processing disorder.

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I would see about an eval with a psychiatrist. They can rule out other physical/medical issues and then use medication if needed. I don't advocate just throwing meds at a child but if they are needed, they can make life so much better for the child, parents, their relationship, etc.

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My 9 yo dd is similar...my heart goes out to you. She is doing school right now as I type. When she's alert her school makes sense. Right now she's not alert and she's trying to work this:


convert 60 feet into yards.... this is her 2nd day working on this.


She's an epileptic, but seizure free and she must be spiking because she can not reason like she once did.

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she definitely has anxiety issues. she inherited that from me. In fact, it wasn't until I saw her anxiety so clearly that I started looking at my own and got on medication. It isn't helping me a whole lot, but things are better than they were before medication. I don't doubt that she would do well on medication, but I wonder if she is too young.


An example of her anxiety.. in the year of 2007, she was able to psychosomatically induce vomiting if she felt overly full. She didn't even need to be over-ful in actuality. She would also freak out during thunderstorms and run for the toilet.


I realize that anxiety can be co-morbid with sensory issues, like ADHD can be co-morbid with sensory issues. No one has really addressed her anxiety in the testing at her OT place, but acknowledge that often her anxiety is to things she hears, her auditory processing disorder.


I have a 4yo who sounds much like this. She has never been officially labeled anything except for having problems with high anxiety. Does she go to regular therapy - as in a psychologist or psychiatrist? My DD's anxiety increased horribly in relationship to PreK - which is why she is now at home schooling. However, maybe school work itself is anxiety inducing? It would manifest itself in all sorts of ways with my DD - anger, the mouthiness, sleep issues, the vomiting, etc. etc. I was able to find a great therapist/psychologist she sees every other week and it really has been life changing. The therapist has picked up on so many things and is slowly working with DD in helping her developing coping mechanisms and self soothing behaviors.


I am sure you feel as though you have seen a million doctors - but just something that has worked here.

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