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stuck on latin prep end of chapter 2 need help


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Hi everyone,

My kids (dd13 & ds 11) started out really liking Latin prep and I found you can buy a online book that speaks it starting in chapter 3 I think. We are stuck in chapter 2, towards the end after the first few excersises it seems to turn a lot more complicated.


Has anyone else had this problem and have any advice? I just don't know what do to and school starts up again on Monday. I do not have any latin background at all.


In addition, my dd is in 8th and we have not done any other foreign language, except a little bit of Hebrew :tongue_smilie:. This was a big investment and I had to quit things, never mind so soon. I know there are many of you who love this program- any advice?


Thanks for your help,


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Yes, Latin Prep ramps way up at about that time. I would slow way down, and you might want to try and do it with them to help them. I don't have any really great tips, because my kids have had Spanish so they already understand about conjugating verbs. But, you might need to spend some more time just figuring out how to conjugate verbs or decline nouns.

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What Mindy said. Plus, feel free to come to the Galore Park yahoo group, or here, with specific questions, and people will be more than happy to answer you, and to explain concepts.


We had already done a bit of Henle before Latin Prep, so we did not get hung up there. Henle is much drier than Latin Prep, but it does teach the grammar well ;-)


Latin Prep throws a lot at you at once. Slow down, and bring your questions here!

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We had done a fair bit of Latin before Latin Prep- but it was Cambridge, which has less explicit grammar instruction- and we tend to move really slowly through Latin Prep. I dont really have an end goal for Latin though so its ok. We just keep on going. Slowly. I recommend the workbooks because they reinforce what you learn. You can do without them, but make sure you dont skim. Just take however long it takes.

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I would add that you need to really learn things as you go along. The book doesn't say 'learn this table of verbs before you progress', but that is what is expected. If you don't learn as you go along, the complexity will start to overwhelm you. If you have been skimming a bit, then I'd go back to the beginning and really get the memorisation done before progressing.


Good luck (and do join the Yahoo group if you like - link in my siggy)



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I also thought Latin Prep would be too much. My advice is,


Take it SLOW. Learn/memorize the tables. Write them every day and/or chant them (we write the declensions and chant the conjugations). When you start to feel like you've got it down, then move on. After a while, you get used to it and you'll begin to go through the book at a more normal pace. We spent 12 months going through LP 1 and we are all so glad we stuck with it.


Don't give up! You can do this! The truth is no language is easy. I was unprepared for how difficult Latin would really be, but after LP1 we are going all the way.



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