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Computer backup info?

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Does anyone use an online recovery center, if so what is a good one? What is best CD, flash drive or online center.


Need to know, windows has gadgets that came w/it, but I dont know what to use, I am so confused.


Never backup anything, and lesson learned, because I just lost a computer and it is going in for repairs. I asked if they could save my files and Gateway said no.



Help, and TIA>

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We had one picked out that had great reviews. Right before we signed up, dh talked to the computer guy at his work.


Keep in mind this is the guy that sent out an email telling everyone to pick passwords that use at least 14 characters and a mix of numbers, letters, symbols, uppercase and lowercase...he's very conservative about safety.......he doesn't like online sites.


He doesn't like anyone having that much personal information. He strongly prefers an external hard drive. So, that's what we went with. And ours is mostly for pictures. But, he had my dh convinced.

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I saved a pule of stuff onto CDroms a couple of months ago.

A week ago, my computer died. It was the hard drive. The computer guy however managed to transfer most of my documents to the new hard drive..that was a relief. All my next years' planning. Many ebooks.

However, I have lost all of my emails, my email addresses, and my bookmarks. Hundreds of them.

On the good side, On New Year's Day I had a shiny, clean new almost empty computer- I never was good at culling my bookmarks and emails and I had kept way too many. I wonder if I will miss them at all.

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It depends on how important your stuff is, frankly. CDs will degrade over time and should not be considered permanent storage. Ditto flash drives. External hard drives are a better solution, but can be subject to failure, too.


An online backup service should have daily backups that are collected and moved off-site for safe storage. Even if the place burns down, the data can be recovered.


So, if you've got irreplaceable digital photos, you may want to back them up to an external hard drive or online. If you're backing up your entire hard drive in case of a crash and doing it periodically, you're fine with cds or an external hard drive. Things that would be annoying to lose, but not devastating, like your email contacts list or your lesson plans or your huge volume of knitting patterns (ok that might be devastating), would probably be fine on a flash drive or cd.

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Keep in mind this is the guy that sent out an email telling everyone to pick passwords that use at least 14 characters and a mix of numbers, letters, symbols, uppercase and lowercase...he's very conservative about safety.......he doesn't like online sites.


You say that like it's a bad thing. :001_huh:

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I got Carbonite, living in fire country, it may be safe idea. Plus, I don't have to think about it.


Next question, how do you save all your email add. and favs, or bookmarks. Is there a backup for that?


I cant stand being so dumb, maybe I should look into some CC comp lit classes.

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