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Tampa rental?

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My MIL irecently had surgery, She lives in this area with my SIL, who works. Dh and I have been discussing the possibility of me coming down here for the month of Feb to help my sil. I would need to have my own place with my hsers.

I need advice on rentals (home or apts) in safe area, perhaps with some hsers nearby, and we would love to find an art studio where my dd can work, my take an informal workshop or class or two. (Community college, Y?)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Dunedin is a nice area. There are lots of homeschoolers, co-ops and Dunedin Fine Arts Academy is right there and they offer a lot of good classes. Pinellas county (Dunedin is in Pinellas) is very homeschool friendly and the homeschoolers are very welcoming. :)


I can second this. I am from Pinellas and spent the 9 years homeschooling there. I miss the homeschool community SO STINKING MUCH! It is not near as active or friendly where I am at in SC. Mazie runs Home's Cool Co-op in Dunedin. She is a dear friend and would love to have your kids there even if for only a month. I think Craig's list would be a good thing to check out too. I rented my house out on CL. Good luck!

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These areas are so very nice, lots of nice subdivisions, tons of trees. My stepdaughter and new grandbaby live in this area. Check it out at:









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