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Dyscalculia and older teen

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FINALLY!  My daughter has been diagnosed with dyscalculia!  YEARS of thinking she had this and finally having someone actually find problems I have known were there.  It's most likely due to a poor working memory.  The evaluator was surprised she could read as well as she could (she scored in the top 10% reading and lower 10% math).  My goal with her is to have her get math skills enough to live life as an adult.  She doesn't want to go back to a math that is appropriate for her level (probably around 5th grade math) because she's ashamed.  I told her no one would need to ever know and "I" don't think badly of her either.  Is there a life skills math program that is pretty simple?  I do need a program.  I don't have great follow through on randomness and am fairly busy with some schooling I am doing next year. A simple consumer math?

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Buy 'Cashflow for Kids' off ebay and tell her that kicking shame's butt is admirably and empoweringly brave. (Faith Harper has a book about shame coming out, but I haven't seen it yet, so not recommending. I have it on pre-order because a loved one's drug of choice is shame and I'd like to understand better.)

If you were Australian, I'd have her read and act on the Barefoot Investor's book for kids too, but postage is probably too evil.


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