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Brutal honesty time: Is this weird?

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Deecee, you've been around here for a while. I think if you look at those of us who think it's weird you may find a wee bit of a common thread that runs through us all. Perhaps it's the same with your sister.


You're right. I wasn't really surprised by those who posted it was weird. :)


One difference is that it is highly unlikely that my sister will homeschool, but I do see a common thread between what I know of some of you from my time on these boards and my sister. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round, right?! :)


Just to be clear, I like my sister and we get along, we are just very different people (it is a well known fact that I am the "weird" one in the family, which is maybe why I don't notice that some of the things we do may seem odd to others because they seem "normal" to me). :D


Anyway, this has been a very enlightening conversation. Thanks everyone!

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"Monkey" is still alive and well with our 12 1/2 year old! Yes he did get a little pet in his stocking. My 14 year old dressed up her American Girl doll, put up their tree and stockings. (She hadn't touched them for ages.) Santa put something in their stockings as well. It took her two days to find it!:lol:

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...for almost adolescent through early adolescent girls to get interested in stuffed toys or dolls, even if they have not been before or for a long while. This was told to me by a wise choral instructor who has seen a LOT of 12 year old girls go by during her 16 years of teaching. I don't remember doing this myself, but I see that my DD is doing this kind fo thing now.


Since I clearly remember how maternally hormonal I was while BFing (and pretty much never before), I have sympathy for DD in this. I was so rational until then. And then, I could hardly bear to throw away a magazine with a cute baby on the cover. I was a sentimental wreck about baby faces. It was so weird to watch myself feel this way, analyze it, and still not be able to overcome it.


I suspect that this has to do with the continuation of the species (grin). Kids did used to get married and start having children a lot younger than they do now. Those feelings do have to go somewhere, and I think it's kind of sweet that they are so empathetic at this age. No harm, no foul. Innocent, too.

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