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Waldorf video lessons asynchronously

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Hi all,

I know Stiener's philosophy totally forbids this, but I am considering using earthschoolings 'living lessons' as a supplement. I love the way things are introduced through storytelling and then made concrete with a drawing. 

Waldorf schools don't start academics until age 6. My daughter is doing well with montessori style reading, 100 easy lessons, and rightstart math A - very casually as she is nearly 4. Would it be a terrible idea to use video lessons from the grade 1 earthschooling to add some storytelling/craft to reinforce concepts she's already been exposed to, like the letters and the quality of numbers? We would sit together and watch the video and then maybe do some drawing (obviously hers won't look like the model). 

I have a baby and don't see myself being able to pull off a waldorf-style lesson myself. I was thinking of watching a waldorf style lesson about once a week, and then spend the rest of the week further exploring the topic casually. 

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I don't think it would be a terrible idea.

That said, the work of childhood, especially young childhood, is play, particularly cooperative, imaginative play, so I'd prioritize that over everything else.  

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Thanks. On reflection, I should have labeled this thread: what could I plonk my ever-inquisitive child in front of to keep her quiet for 10 mins, that I won't feel guilty about. Waldorf video lessons seem to be a safe, and potentially enriching, bet. 

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26 minutes ago, hi.im.em said:

Thanks. On reflection, I should have labeled this thread: what could I plonk my ever-inquisitive child in front of to keep her quiet for 10 mins, that I won't feel guilty about. Waldorf video lessons seem to be a safe, and potentially enriching, bet. 

I was very low screens when my kids were young. Nothing at all till they were 4 or so, and then extremely short and picky. I'd suggest PBS nature documentaries or Mr. Rogers.

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I’m not sure if you feel strongly about wanting to provide a Waldorf-style experience, or just need a break. I can sympathize with needing a break. 

Some other ideas around that age to occupy for some minutes:

Busy Toddler/Days with Grey type activities (e.g. dot stickers along name, washing apples etc. Busy Toddler also has a preschool type curriculum along these lines)

Kids Art Hub draw along videos 

Audiobooks might begin to be fun (e.g. Magic Treehouse)

Wordless picture books (e.g. A Day for Sandcastles, One Summer Up North, Field Trip to Volcano Island etc.)

Wimmelbooks (Animals and Construction are particular favorites for us)

Easy Smart Games (e.g. Three Little Piggies)

Giant box Magnatiles/Magformers/Picassotiles etc.

Big Waterplay Set

Very simple sticker by number books

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It is partly that I need a break, and partly that I really love the way waldorf present their lessons. I think the stories, rhymes etc are great for retention, and the lessons are paced really well with little movement breaks. To be honest they seem ideal for accelerated learners. Also, the math and science is great for the more verbal/arty types who might otherwise find it dry. I was wondering whether anyone had used waldorf for kids younger than intended, or maybe to add a different flavour to whats already being studied.

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21 hours ago, hi.im.em said:

Thanks. On reflection, I should have labeled this thread: what could I plonk my ever-inquisitive child in front of to keep her quiet for 10 mins, that I won't feel guilty about. Waldorf video lessons seem to be a safe, and potentially enriching, bet. 

I say go for it.  But I also think that you could plunk her in front of Bugs Bunny and not need to feel guilty.  

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