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Tackling Wed, 3.20.24


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Despite the darker mornings, spring is making inroads rapidly here. The birds are loud! I can hear the male cardinal when the a/c or heat on and the doors closed. My maple trees have whirlybirds. The crabapple and redbud trees are lovely. Green everywhere, instead of brown. The blue birds have eggs, I think. 

Boy to school ✔️ 
Coffee ✔️ 
Job inquiry email ✔️ 
Tutor online ✔️ 
Pick up milk ✔️ 
Make a tomato tart ✔️ 
Pick up 2 Rx
Drop off lax gear and snack ✔️ 
Tutor in person
Church ✔️ 
Finish listening to a podcast ✔️ 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Afternoon student cancelled; I still get paid.

Tart was good, but needs to cook longer because I used a ceramic pan, not a metal one. 

Headed out for milk shortly. Will listen to the podcast as I drive. 

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Good afternoon!

I'm still processing the fact that my 14yo attempted to beat the tar out of his teammate during practice last night.  The kid ran his mouth often, ds had enough of being the target.  So.........*sigh* We're working out a plan today.  It is an unusual situation, in which no one who was there is feeling sorry for the kid that ds laid on the ice.

Up next:

parent teacher conferences.

Laundry is in the wash.

Dinner is BLTs and leftovers.

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53 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Ugh, sorry for the awkward hockey situation. But it sounds like a bully got what was coming to him. 

Yeah...we found out more.  He has been insinuating and straight out saying ds was trans for a while now, as he's grown his hair.  Not in a "hey, that's cool" kind of way, but a misogynistic crude sort of way that not only negated who he was, but also any competent girl on the ice.  And ds looks like the poster Victorian child with long cherubic ringlets and big eyes.  DS is not trans.  He just got tired of the homophobic/anti-trans rhetoric directed at him and snapped.

I'm okay with focusing on the aspect of "team practice was disrupted and that was disrespectful to your coaches." and not giving empathy to the kid that he pummeled.  I'd be glad to explain that to the other kid's parents, too.  It explains why ds didn't ever want to wear his team jacket.  That kid's parents paid for them all.  But we're working on trust issues again and how to deal with big feelings and bad situations.


Parent teacher conferences went well.  Very speedy: "not living up to his potential, has a tendency to rush through his work, but is very bright, animated during discussions, and keeps himself out of the drama."  (I nearly snorted at the last part)  The rest?  I definitely knew.


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Good Afternoon

Things still to do

clean fridge freezer tomorrow is garbage pu so I like doing it a day before

order groceries 

sigh get ready for winter storm sigh  3-6 inches tomorrow night and 8-10 over weekend.  the weather has been so unseasonably warm that going backwards is a sigh.  Hopefully it will melt fast. 

one more meeting tonight

find something fun to watch

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Got my boy.

His team lost again. They really have no chance of winning any games at all, but not telling him that. Not sure the team will even make next year bc several boys are changing schools. But for now, I am glad he has vigorous exercise 5 days a week and the comradeship of a team. This kid thrives with structure and physical challenges.

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