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Best off season times to travel

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Since its our first year hs I just realized we aren't bound by school holidays to travel. Any suggestions on the best off season time to travel.


We just booked our first trip a cruise in late January to Mexico and the Carribean. I'm thinking of spending the first few weeks of Jan doing unit studies on the places we'll visit

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We always take our family vacation in early October.


We usually go to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and it's still fairly warm (70's-80's) and you can still go to the beach without freezing. This past October, we rented a 4br oceanfront condo in a building with an indoor pool for an entire week for $500. We brought our own food and linens, etc. and ate most of our meals in, except for a few times that we went out to eat.


All the restaurants and attractions are still open and it's not crowded at all.

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We always travel in early May - my dh works at a university, so as soon as the students are gone -- we take our two weeks.


Everyone else is still in school (so no crowds), and it usually still counts as off-season (for hotels, etc.).


The only caveat -- if a beach is in your plan, the water will not be warm (unless you go to Jamaica!).

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Oct-early Dec for most places we enjoy (theme parks, & cruises mainly.) The Caribbean is bargain priced then due to hurricane season, but if there's not one, it's great traveling time. The Florida theme parks are virtually empty then--no lines, no waiting, see the whole place in 1 day while riding the favorite rides 5 times. During Oct, they'll be decorated for the Halloween after-hours things they all seem to do while in Dec. they're all decorated for Christmas. BTW, we did DisneyWorld one spring & it was CROWDED! Zillions of teens on school band/choir trips there at the same time, plus the reg. spring vacation crowd. It probably would be better in early May since it's too close to school getting out for school trips. HTH

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