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Christmas. All you expected or kind of disappointing?

Was Christmas all you expected or a kind of disappointing.  

  1. 1. Was Christmas all you expected or a kind of disappointing.

    • Christmas 2008 was practically perfect in every way.
    • Christmas 2008 lacked luster for one or more reasons.

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I voted practically perfect, and I spent Christmas Eve with a raging stomach virus. I barfed 3 times and ran a low grade fever until last night. Blech!


Even with the stomach virus, which no one else got, it was an awesome Christmas! I got a Nikon D60 and my husband downloaded the Once movie soundtrack onto my iPod and put it in my stocking. So cute of him to do!:001_smile:


We got a Wii for the boys and we have had so much fun playing it and laughing together. I want to do Christmas all over again!

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I have not read most of the posts in this thread but........ It was one of the best Christmas' we have ever had. The only downer was dh had to work both eve and day. He went late on Christmas day and the time we had as a family Christmas day was as close to perfect as anyone could get. We did not have a lot of money to spend so there was not a lot of presents but what we did get were major hits!


I luck out and got Catan for $15. and the small expansion sets of the Fisherman, River Tiles and event cards, we are majorly addicted now :D Played until the wee hours of the morning and first thing this morning we started another game. I felt so stupid and then so very thankful because I nearly had a panic attack spending the money on the game and lost sleep worring that it would flop :rolleyes: The money I spent on the Catan took most of our Christmas budget but it was a major hit!


We got and watched the new Narnia movie Prince Caspian.


We had a wonderful dinner with just the 4 of us and the family time was just joyous! The boys built huge snow volcanoes and fill the craters with lit tea light and lined our walks with small paper bags with tea lights, so the outside of our house glowed Christmas eve and Christmas day night. Their volcanoes were really cool looking. The game play was fun, hilarious, and really seriously addicting :D Cooking was a family event and that was fun!


I thought Christmas would be a downer since we had almost no funds but it was the best we have ever had.


Our boys made a memo with their wii for us to read as soon as we woke up, telling us, Merry Christmas, we love and like you Mom and Dad. That note was priceless and I nearly blubbered over it. Both boys kept hugging dh and I and each other all day either thanking us or telling us what a wonderful time they were having or I am so glad I get to share this day with you. We had levels of family harmony that was just priceless! After dh went to work we called him or he called us every hour or so and we had great phone conversations. Yep, it was it better than expected and very Good!

Edited by RebeccaC
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Okay, since your poll did not leave room for middle ground, I chose the "perfect in every way answer" because I am actually in a "glass half-ful" kind of mood. Days are getting longer:)


In spite of the fact that I am sick - going on 8 days with this terrible cough and swollen glands, despite the fact that my brother and his wife had a tiff and he came into town alone, despite the fact that we had Portillo's for Christmas Eve dinner, despite the fact that I forgot to give my kids one of their gifts - we had a wonderful Christmas. My siblings were mostly well behaved. Alcohol was consumed in moderation - at least while we were there. Sis did make me do a shot of ouzo because she insisted that it was better than cough medicine (she knows that I'm not much of a drinker and we have moved to a place where she respects that.) Jury is out on whether or not she was right:) My brother played the guitar for us and took us down memory lane of some hilarity from our childhoods, my kids played the piano for everyone, my niece's husband was there after a year in Iraq. So much to be thankful for!


We had a nice, quiet Christmas day at our house. FIL came and I picked up my mom for a nice dinner that dh cooked while I cleaned - the house was pretty messy due to my illness and it needed help to be company ready. I did not freak out, I did not get angry. The kids and I just "did it!"


We will be having Christmas #3 tomorrow with dh's family. His brother drives in from out of town and we get together later. The kids will have a nice time with their cousins.

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