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Tell me about Mystery of History or The World’s Story


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  • Nm. changed the title to Tell me about Mystery of History or The World’s Story

I don't know about either....sorry. Another option is Notgrass middle School so Adam to Us I think is the title. Some people use each 1/2 for 1 year I think.

I'd read sample chapters and have the students do the same then just pick one and make a pact with yourself to stick it out till the end of the year;) I tell myself that same thing....

I do know that mystery of history is more multi age read aloud style right??

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I’m not sure about either!  The samples both appeal to my kids, but they quickly get over things and it’s drudgery again.  The audio of 1 might be nice though.  Then I would just read aloud books (not just history related).  Or I’ll just stick with what I have… ds12 just finished his guide in HOD and I’m not ready with all the books for the next guide.  Thought I would reevaluate.  I miss having everyone on the same history cycle.  But then again it can be a pain to get them all to sit still and listen.

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I like all the pictures and primary source books that Notgrass has, but the reading might be a bit dry....then there is always a time for git er done 😉 stuff though  I've learned to appreciate efficiency in some subjects as I've added kids to our Home school and the big ones are older.

You could just hand big ones a text Book tell them to read it to themselves and all meet 1x a week to discuss it.... written chapter summaries or workbook pgs due from anyone not finished with chapter X by Fridays discussion.....hmm this may work here some year too... I'm stretched pretty thin currently.


History is over for the year once book is done...hay maybe they will work ahead. Adults like a goal too.

Can you tell that I've failed on the instill the love of school in my kids bit;)? They would all rather play with little siblings, work (like real boring jobs....weed triming, wiring a chicken run together, cooking folding laundry....).

School here is a job we do together. If you like it great! If not do it anyway...we can pick a different book next year. 


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I would recommend reading as many sample pages of both as you can find. Both these books have a certain writing style, MOH more than The World's Story. I find it kind of fluffy and emotional, but some people don't mind it.

My DD10 is using MOH 1 right now and I do really like it for its simplicity and worldview and timeline dates, but she's reading it on her own because I don't like reading it out loud.

I have used The World's Story 1 and it had beautiful pictures and lots of cool stuff about archaeology, also suggestions for Scripture reading alongside the lessons. I think it might appeal more to the 7th grader. It's written for a slightly older audience than MOH 1, but that also depends on what level you want. MOH 3 and 4 are written for an older audience, too.

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So I’m struggling with my oldest.  He really thrives with the handholding of heart of dakota (the boxes that tell him exactly what to do).  They are using mystery of history in his next guide.  What do you have your dd10 do with mystery of history?  Read and ?

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21 hours ago, hollyhock2 said:

I would recommend reading as many sample pages of both as you can find. Both these books have a certain writing style, MOH more than The World's Story. I find it kind of fluffy and emotional, but some people don't mind it.

My DD10 is using MOH 1 right now and I do really like it for its simplicity and worldview and timeline dates, but she's reading it on her own because I don't like reading it out loud.

I have used The World's Story 1 and it had beautiful pictures and lots of cool stuff about archaeology, also suggestions for Scripture reading alongside the lessons. I think it might appeal more to the 7th grader. It's written for a slightly older audience than MOH 1, but that also depends on what level you want. MOH 3 and 4 are written for an older audience, too.

Yes, the difference in age level from the beginning to the end of the series is why I never used MOH. It just makes it hard to cycle back through when the target age doesn't always line up. 

We used Notgrass (middle grades, not elementary) at half pace starting in fourth grade. We read the lessons and discussed the questions from the lesson reviews, did the map assignments, and did some of the family activities. I also bought a ton of age appropriate literature books to fit the time periods/subject matter. It was great. We also used the tests from the workbook or lesson book depending on the age because I needed something to grade for reporting to our district/state.

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14 hours ago, Nm. said:

So I’m struggling with my oldest.  He really thrives with the handholding of heart of dakota (the boxes that tell him exactly what to do).  They are using mystery of history in his next guide.  What do you have your dd10 do with mystery of history?  Read and ?

Not much. She keeps a timeline/notebook once a week, so she'll draw something and put the date on and maybe write a couple sentences about it. That's it, other than reading.

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2 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

Yes, the difference in age level from the beginning to the end of the series is why I never used MOH. It just makes it hard to cycle back through when the target age doesn't always line up. 

We used Notgrass (middle grades, not elementary) at half pace starting in fourth grade. We read the lessons and discussed the questions from the lesson reviews, did the map assignments, and did some of the family activities. I also bought a ton of age appropriate literature books to fit the time periods/subject matter. It was great. We also used the tests from the workbook or lesson book depending on the age because I needed something to grade for reporting to our district/state.

I am struggling with the idea of the difficulty changing from one book to the next as well.  I will look into notgrass.  A simple spine might be nice.  However out of the three I did find it the driest. 

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@ScoutTN thank you!  I was hoping for a more Christian viewpoint (albeit some are over the top). 

It’s looking like we will stick with heart of the dakota.  It’s not perfect but I do like that they switch around what they use for history and science (mystery of history one year but not the next).

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