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Photography/Editing Course

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I'm suffering from too many options.  I'm looking for a photography editing course meaty/technical enough to count as a high school tech credit.  There are sooo many options.  Ideally it would cover both photography and editing, but the editing part is what she's most interested in.  

I know photography is generally an art credit but this is a VERY computer averse child so I'm doing what I can.

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Is this for print photography (so, that would be a course in darkroom techniques for enhancing photographic prints)?

Or is this for digital photography? (which would mean use of software on a computer, tablet (or possible a phone) to edit photographs)

If she is very computer-adverse, then I'd suggest a dual enrollment course in print-photography that includes darkroom use and techniques.

If needing something that can be done at home, using video-based classes, then you're looking at digital photography and a computer-based software or phone app that allows you to manipulate your photo images as "post production" process.

Lightroom is a great program used for post-production work on photographic images, and there online video-based courses and workshops to walk you through this program. Creative Live offers a number of video-based (and sometimes live-streaming) workshops and series of classes that are meaty. However, if computer-adverse, then FYI: Lightroom is computer software, not a phone app.

Photoshop is a digital manipulation software program, that can also be used for post-production work on photos, as well as for other digital image applications. There are a lot of online courses and in-person community college classes as dual enrollment available for that software.

Here is an article listing 13 phone apps for photo editing. Scroll down after the list of apps for info on how to pick an app (what to look for to fit your need), and how phone apps compare to computer software. I don't know as though phone apps would be meaty enough to count as a full credit, but could certainly be included as part of a Fine Arts course on photography and photo-editing... 

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6 hours ago, Coco_Clark said:

I'm suffering from too many options.  I'm looking for a photography editing course meaty/technical enough to count as a high school tech credit.  There are sooo many options.  Ideally it would cover both photography and editing, but the editing part is what she's most interested in.  

I know photography is generally an art credit but this is a VERY computer averse child so I'm doing what I can.

Ahhh, in re-reading I see that what you really need is a TECH credit. So disregard the darkroom idea...

For actual computer technical ed. coursework/credit... What about a video-based class on computer basics, like from Udemy? Or several free video-based courses on specific software use?

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10 hours ago, cintinative said:

Can you clarify: when you say she is computer averse do you mean that she would not want to learn Photoshop?

I mean that I'm trying to sweeten the pot because she needs a tech credit but has no interest in computers.  She's very creative so I think photography editing would appeal.  

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One thing I was looking at for my youngest was a class via Ed2Go through our library system. It's free through them, but otherwise is about $140 depending on what school you take it through. It seems to be similar to Udemy. We have not tried it yet. I think I am going to have him do something in Coursera with Graphic Design instead.

Here's one for Adobe Photoshop through UNH.  https://www.ed2go.com/unh/online-courses/introduction-photoshop-cc/

We can access Linked In Learning for free through our library system too.

It's worth looking to see if you can access any of these free career prep resources . That way if she doesn't like a certain teacher or hates the asynchronous learning method, you aren't out any money.

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