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Do you let your kids watch LOST? And if so at what age?

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You know, some people are going to say yes, and some no. Basically, you know your kids and what you allow. If you feel your kids can do fine with it and there is nothing there you disagree with, I think fine! My kids are 6 and 9 and have both seen HP 1-4. Older has seen 5. I have not let the younger see it yet, but will at some point. I want dh to view it first as well to see what he thinks about when.

I wouldn't worry. You know your kids better than anyone and are a great mother!:)

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All of mine have started watching this season. They are 6, 9 and 12. DH and I caught them up on the story line and they are hooked. None like to see "intimate" scenes as they all think they are gross so we just fast forward those parts (this week Sayeed's scene in bed) as we dvr the show. Usually the 6 yr old falls asleep half way through as he is my early bird child and we just fill him in the next day. It is fun to ask them what they think about what is going on and they all have different theories.

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13yo dd watched with me last season and spent Christmas break catching up on seasons 1 & 2 (Christmas gift!) She's pretty adept at following the characters and shifting allegiances, and likes to speculate about the mysteries.


10yo dd is hooked just from listening to the rest of us speculate. They've been staying up to watch with me since the season started. (Though they are immediately sent to bed if they TALK during crucial dialog bits!)

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My daughter is 13 and away from home. So, she certainly could watch, but she doesn't seem to have any interest. She has little tolerance for the "creep factor," so we discouraged her from even getting interested. Just for comparison, though, we watched the first two seasons of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" last summer.


My son is 9, and I would not consider allowing him to watch "Lost." He takes everything too much too heart, and I think the potentially obsessive pull of this series would be too much for him. It's just too intense to be good for him.


This is all extremely individual, though, and we have certainly allowed our kids to watch things that would horrify other parents.



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