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What animal behavior topics would your kids like to learn about/discuss? (X post with AL board)

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L is working on a new class sequence for Athena's focused on animal behavior, and is working through college course materials over Spring Break to try to decide what should be included. So, I've been asked to ask if anyone's kids have ideas 😉. 

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Animal sensation & perception could be a cool one. So many animals experience the world vastly differently than we do thanks to higher sensitivities to various stimuli (seeing in a different spectrum, magnetic sensitivity, pheromones, etc). 

Animal learning & community behavior could be another. How do animals glean information to one another? How do they pass information between generations, or between distinct groups (two different herds, for example)? Where is the line between following instinct & learning?

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Cross species communication.  There's a farm near us that has goats and horses together,  but the llamas/alpacas are in a separate field, apparently because they don't understand each other's communications (ear pinning vs spitting) I find it interesting that goats and horses can understand each other, but not horses and llamas!

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