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I don’t know what to do for “social studies”


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7 yr old has been asking to continue SOTW. But we are on 3 and it had some content I don’t want him to hear. (Beheadings and ears being chopped off). I would rather he not have these details. I think the main thing he liked was coloring and doing maps and such. I am considering just going back to book 1. But since my older child is already done this twice through, I just feel like I need to find something different for now for this younger child 

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I don't remember the beheadings and ears episode, but we did SOTW years ago.  I would just skip over that part, or change the punishment to something not so brutal. (If it's something your older child would notice, could you take that one aside and explain what you are doing and why? I'm sure he would understand.)  Really, would the 7 year old notice?  I think it's great that he is asking for you to continue, that's an easier way for learning to take place. But if you choose to switch books, hopefully 7 yr. old will continue to enjoy the series.

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I agree with editing. I’ve done that and, if the older child noticed, explained why and they were fine with it.

But if you want something different, have you looked at Beautiful Feet’s Early American History? We’ve used some of their book selections this year and enjoyed them. It covers roughly the same time period as SOTW 3.

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We are used to reading lots of traditional fairy tales, I wouldn't shy away from it personally. There is value in it and meaningful discussions to be had. 

You have mentioned doing social studies instead history, this will split them now and I would just jump straight into having 2 history cycles.

Start with ancients again for younger one amd carrying on with older one. You could assign SOTW for reading for older, or listen to audiobook and do activity book together. 

Or you could skip over that bit and plod along, reading the chapter seperately. The real one and the edited one. 

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What about maybe reading (or not) a chapter that you edit and then focus more on interests?  He likes coloring and maps- Some of the Funschooling books are super cheap at the moment since Amazon has some issues with their books. https://funschoolingwithsarah.com/2023/02/07/all-the-sales-and-discounts/

My 1st grader picked out a couple core journals, as well as bugs and sharks for next couple years.  All have maps and coloring 😊


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