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Ideas for easy but healthy meals to pack for camping

Indigo Blue

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Our situation will be that I can run home and grab stuff from the kitchen if need be (or even take a quick shower…lol….cheating) because the campground isn’t far from home. We may or may not have water at our site, but I will plan to have enough water to rinse dishes at least. Dh will have access to ice from the camp store. We will have one small cast iron skillet and one small stainless steel pot to use on two burner camp stove. 

I can’t think of much more than this right now:

Homemade soup that can be heated at site. 


Baked oatmeal 

For Dh: eggs, toast, pork chops to grill, potatoes, grilled cheese


Just quick, easy, not junk food ideas?

Im going to make a list soon and I’ll put all that I can think of on there. 

Camping close to home has the advantage of my being able to go home and take care of my cat instead of having to have someone else do it. Plus, I can get food ingredients and supplies when I need to run home each day.

And don’t laugh at me saying I might shower at home. 🤭 Is there really any difference between showering in the bath house or showering at home? I have to ease into this, you know. 😁 I think I’d rather skip a day than shower in the bath house. 

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We cook pretty much the same things we would at home.  If you are going to have a campfire, you could do some sort of foil dinner.  I will often pre-assemble burritos at home, wrap them in foil, and toss them at the edge of the coals or on a grate (if one is available) as an easy dinner that can be heating up as we set up camp.  You can do this with just about anything you can put in foil.  Roasted potatoes with green beans or broccoli is another foil favorite.  I do pre-roast the potatoes and veggies as it can be very tricky to get them to cook fully on a fire.  

We use our tonka pie cookers a lot.....and almost never for pie.  You can make custom pizzas, quesadillas, breakfast sandwiches, reubens....pretty much anything you can put between two piece of bread or tortilla.  I especially like corn tortilla pizzas.  I also especially like the lack of dishes this creates and making everyone assemble their own.


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Also, the bath house is really not terrible if you are prepared.  Obviously flip flops are a must.  But we also have a simple plastic pail that we all share.  You can dump in your new clothing, towels, and any products you need.  The pail allows to you either hang it from a hook or set it down on a bench or floor.....which are often wet.  It is nice to have somewhere to place your clothing and towel where they stay dry.  But we too have camped locally and to save cash, I will run home daily to take care of cats and will for SURE use my own shower when I can.  

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I much prefer showering at home to using a bathhouse! 

Common meals for us are:


biscuits & gravy (premake the biscuits)

Single serving yogurts


pastries/muffins with fruit



Foil packets: usually a variety of veggies and cured or marinated meat

Chicken salad wraps: chicken salad made with Greek yogurt, avocado, and mango along with red onion and spinach.



Tacos: we go totally gringo with them - boxed shells, sour cream in a squeeze container, already shredded cheese...the only thing made is the protein.

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7 minutes ago, vonfirmath said:

I do skip showering when camping for 1-2 days. Longer than that I make it work. However -- is it going to feel like camping if you keep hopping in the car and going home?



Oh, you’re so right. Lol. But the thing is….and I have thought about it….I will need to come home to check on my kitty, anyway. Actually, I will be glad that I can do that instead of abandoning her for a week and paying someone to feed her. 

If we camp in the wilderness site and not shower, I could do that. But I would still need to check on her, anyway. Might as well use that to our advantage if it is needed. I may or may not actually shower, but I gotta feed her.

We have friends that park their camper out there for weeks and weeks during the summer. They live even closer than we do. They just run home a lot for this or that.  

I do want to do all cooking out there and stay there the whole time, except for the once daily trip home to feed the cat. And possibly to grab something for the grill if I need to. The shower part may or may not happen….but….ahem… the option will be there……


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