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Are they Still contagious? Thanks, we turned them down.


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Our son picked up what we assume was  Covid and came hime from a trip sick, 10 days ago. It went thru the family. Kids are fiine . Our son and DIL  are pretty congested and coughing but no fevers for at least 5 days. 
They want to see us tonight. 
Anybody confident in what the current virus strain is going? Are they still contagious?


Edited by KatieInMN
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  • KatieJ changed the title to Are they Still contagious?

He and his wife were already sick ten days ago? Do they have access to rapid tests? That’s what we would do, but we have tests available. After ten days, they are likely not contagious, but with the coughing and congestion I would personally feel cautious without testing. If the kids fell sick more recently, I would be concerned they were still contagious even without symptoms. In the people I’ve known, symptoms haven’t necessarily been highly connected to how long they took to test negative on a rapid test (which is highly correlated to contagiousness). 

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I would ask them to take rapid tests before seeing you, since they still have symptoms. I err on being very cautious and personally would want to wait and not see them now, if they cannot or will not take rapid tests. I would also assess my vaccination status and whether I could figure that I had good antibody protection.

In general, though, I would say that I wouldn't see them yet. Maybe if everyone could stay outside and at a good distance from each other, and if rapid tests were negative. Otherwise, no.

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Are they local? Do you see them often, or is this a special event? Because if you see them often anyway, I wouldn't risk getting sick for a visit while they're still symptomatic. Covid or not, who wants to get a super-congested plus coughing virus? If this is a special planned together, maybe I'd ask them to take a rapid test and then meet outdoors. 

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  • KatieJ changed the title to Are they Still contagious? Thanks, we turned them down.

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