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Scholé Academy’s government class?

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Does anyone have experience with the government class offered by Scholé Academy and taught by Chris Marchand? I love the syllabus and required reading—just don’t have any knowledge of the provider or teacher. I have also considered Nathaniel Gilbert’s Outschool government class. It seems he is well-liked and has some great reviews from the hive. Many thanks on any insight!

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Hi. I don't have experience yet but I just enrolled my 10th and 12th graders in that course. I noticed that it's a full year of Government, which is usually a semester, and doesn't officially include Economics. I love the sources used but as Catholics, we'll be keeping our eye on how the King James Bible is referenced. I'm planning on using Economics for Dummies and using the online quizzes for Econ, along with a personal finance class to cover that. 

I didn't investigate Outschool. 

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On 7/29/2022 at 10:40 AM, Smikell said:

Does anyone have experience with the government class offered by Scholé Academy and taught by Chris Marchand? I love the syllabus and required reading—just don’t have any knowledge of the provider or teacher. I have also considered Nathaniel Gilbert’s Outschool government class. It seems he is well-liked and has some great reviews from the hive. Many thanks on any insight!


On 8/1/2022 at 7:38 AM, 1stMom said:

Hi. I don't have experience yet but I just enrolled my 10th and 12th graders in that course. I noticed that it's a full year of Government, which is usually a semester, and doesn't officially include Economics. I love the sources used but as Catholics, we'll be keeping our eye on how the King James Bible is referenced. I'm planning on using Economics for Dummies and using the online quizzes for Econ, along with a personal finance class to cover that. 

I didn't investigate Outschool. 



I know this thread is old but I wonder if either of you tried this class? We love Schole and I'm thinking of putting DS in his class next year. I would love to know your experiences. 

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Hi! I am the original poster, and I did in fact enroll my son in Mr. Marchand's class. He absolutely loved it! It was a wonderful experience, and Mr. Marchand is an amazing teacher! I would strongly recommend it--was probably one of my son's favorite high school experiences thus far.

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