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Try a variety of foreign languages?


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My 7th grade DD would like to try a variety of languages this year - Norwegian, German and Italian. What would be the best way to accomplish this? Is there a good website that she could take short introductory courses?

For background, she's had 3 years of Spanish and does not want to continue. She's not interested in French. She's been interested in Norwegian for awhile and has been using Google Translate but isn't interested in anything about Norway. Sometimes she'll dabble at making up her own language. This is not her passion. Her passions are horses, cats, vet school, exotic cats and starting novels about cats. I've told her that now is a good time to hear and sample some languages so that she can pick one to stick with for a few years going forward.

Any suggestions of a good place to find this?

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I'd have her play around in Duolingo to start. 

Norwegian is going to be especially hard to find materials for. Even the Duolingo course doesn't have grammar tips (I've been dabbling with it myself).  I'm already fluent in German and I've been really surprised at how different it is- compared to the Romance languages,  where once you know one, the rest are relatively easy to pick up.

But Duo's got enough to give her a taste of each.

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There are tons of textbook courses available for Norwegian.  They aren’t going to be aimed at homeschoolers, but they are out there.  (Ni i Norge is super charming…) Duolingo Norwegian is actually considered one of the best Duolingo courses, so I would consider that. 

Here are two online courses created by reputable Norwegian universities.  They are both available free for four weeks, which is enough time for an adult to cover the material, but probably not a kid.  Certainly enough time to see if you want to pay for unlimited access. 




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