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Full on insurance fraud?


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I noticed a few days ago we had 4 new insurance claims filed for DH.  He’s in physical therapy right now, and while I didn’t recognize the provider, I thought maybe it was layered into his PT.  Today I noticed the claims have been processed, and insurance isn’t covering any of it, for a total of $1800.  I started clicking into claim detail and it’s for IV drugs and medical weight counseling - neither of which DH has had.  And the provider is across the county,  I’m going to call insurance in the morning, but I’m curious if there can be total insurance fraud like this where someone could have gotten DH’s insurance info? 

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Update: I talked to insurance company and they are looking into it - it could be a clerical error like it’sheresomewhere said, or something else.  I should hear back in 3 business days.  It’s so weird. At least I got the ball rolling on figuring it out. 

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