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What supplements or herbs help with achey muscles and joints?


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I am getting over a fall where I sprained my back. I've been to the chiropractor for eight weeks. He's helped a lot, but I still hurt most of the time. I can't take Motrin or Advil like products due to IBS. The inflammation and muscle relaxer meds my reg. doc gave me aren't working anymore. I'm tired of hurting.



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Two thoughts - Exercise - T-Tapp and Arnica 30c to 200c (the highest you can find)


Can you exercise? Teresa Tapp had a very bad back and she has her moves in T-Tapp to function and heal. She has now taught this to many other people. T-Tapp is a wonderful backstrengthening method of exercise. Her More program would be great, as well as her regular program Basic Plus, Baic Plus with Step Away or Total Workout (which includes Basic Plus and then part 2)



Product Description


The T-Tapp MORE Rehab Program was created for those who have MORE to lose, MORE health issues to overcome (frozen shoulders, bad backs, knee problems, arthritic conditions) or MORE birthday candles on the cake (degenerative spine and joint issues usually increase with time without proper movement). The pace is slower, repetitions are less and exercises are modified from the original Total Workout. T-Tapp MORE is designed to rebuild cardiac health, neuro-kinetic pathways and lymphatic function - as well as deliver body sculpting inch loss and weight loss. This program is excellent for spine and joint rehabilitation along with auto-immune disease such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Epstein Barr. With obesity at epidemic proportions in the United States, this program was designed to show everyone that we CAN be healthy and fit in less time (all workouts are less than 20 minutes) and without pain. This workout has been well received within the medical community as an important first step in rebuilding healthy blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. The body CAN repair and rebuild if you move it... so move it with MORE and help your body help itself. Take the first step in rebuilding your health, wellness AND fitness with the T-Tapp MORE Rehab Program - you'll get MORE results in LESS time!


Arnica 200c in water. When I started T-Tapping I had a lot of back pain. I had no idea how well I could heal, so much that I no longer needed my chiropractor!




Treatment for Acute diseases

The potency choice for acute diseases (less than 3-4 months old) is simple: use at least a potency from 30C upwards to 200C and 1,000C. Always use the watery method by putting two pellets of your chosen remedy and potency in an 8 oz bottle (Remedy Solution Bottle or RSB), stir well and take one tsp directly from the RSB. Do not repeat earlier than two hours after first dose. When you see a similar aggravation in the first hour (in other words an aggravation of your symptoms during the first hour) this first dose will cure and no further dose will be needed (A157-A158). If symptoms are not entirely gone after two hours, you can repeat the same procedure every two hours after succussing each successive dose (hitting RSB against your palm) 8 times.

Note: We are talking here about the 1001 acute daily diseases that can occur from colds, to lower back pains, to ear infections, etc. We are not talking here about URGENT medical care (requires ER visit) like suicidal tendencies, coma, head trauma with bleeding, seizures, heart attack, etc.


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