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Credit by Examination


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College and apart from CLEP.

A student enrolled at our CC may petition to challenge courses based on work done through private study and/or employment to validate courses taken at non-accredited institutions. (But they may not challenge a prerequisite course after having completed an advanced course.) Credit is granted for an earned grade of C or better. Neither grades nor credit earned through the challenge process is counted in any given semester to determine credit load or GPA, nor cumulative GPA. The student may challenge a course prior to or during enrollment in a course through the second week of fall or spring semester, or through the first two days of a short course or summer session.

Has anyone else done this?

Edited by Aloha2U
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IME the difficulty varies greatly from course to course.  I have found CLEP, if offered in the subject matter, is usually an easier route because it is standardized.  The subject I am most familiar with students doing challenge credit is a foreign language for which they have a great deal of personal experience.  Remember that a grade will not appear as part of the GPA.  So, if you think a course will be easy for you because of prior knowledge, and you take the course, an "A" in the course will boost your GPA, but you don't get that boost through challenge work.  Also, know that colleges will often only accept a certain number of total hours completed through challenge work or CLEP.  

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I used it for a few of the annoying requirements when I was getting my teaching license. The big one being that, horrors, I hadn’t had a computer applications class (I had spent the last two years of my undergrad working the college of business HelpDesk and was a research assistant in the college of human sciences as a grad student, specifically helping an elderly professor get his website on the TX wine industry up. I literally had spent years being PAID to teach people computer applications). So, I challenged it, paid a challenge fee way under the cost of the class, and got it out of the way.  I also reviewed and challenged college algebra, since it would have made little sense to take it when the only reason I didn’t as an undergrad was that I had placed out of it . In both cases, though, those would have been undergrad courses that I would have had to take P/F and didn’t progress my actual degree, only check licensing boxes. 

I also have had two “affidavit of competency”. The first was for a required music Ed class for an elementary license. Given that I have a degree in music, they were pretty confident I knew more than the class would teach. The second was for a specific early childhood Ed class-I had documented teaching experience in multiple settings, and the feeling was that it would be an absolute waste of time. In both cases, the advisors told me to go to the folks who could sign off and get their signature.

i wish I had challenged the idiotic Ed psych class, which was 100% redundant with stuff I’d done for my minor as an undergrad. But I hadn’t officially had educational psych (I’d had child psych, adolescent psych, developmental psych. Etc), so I took it. It was an easy, and extremely boring A. 

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Students at my institution can petition to have the syllabus evaluated if they took a course at an institution that does not have a transfer agreement in place. The department teaching the class will have their prof compare the syllabus to the one at their institution and decide whether credit can be awarded.
Students can request credit by examination to demonstrate knowledge (nobody asks how that was obtained). If they pass the examination, they receive credit but no letter grade, unless they pass with a grade of A, in which case they get an A. Students are not entitled to be given the course exam; usually, they need to make a really good case to the professor. I have had very few students successfully test out of calculus based physics 1 this way (maybe 5 out of the over 10,000 students I have taught)

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2 minutes ago, Aloha2U said:

What are your thoughts on credit by examination for Statistics?

My thoughts are utterly irrelevant. The only things that matter are
1. whether the statistics department at your college is willing to give you an examination for credit, and
2. whether you feel sufficiently prepared to pass such an exam. 

If the answer is yes to both, do it. If the answer to one of them is no, then the point is moot. What other thoughts are there?


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