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How to Prep for Online Testing


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I signed my 4th and 6th graders up for the Stanford 10 just to see where they are compared to their peers.  It’s not necessary in our state, but I did this with my oldest 3, and it was helpful for me to have that reassurance that things were going well.

My older children took a paper test, but I signed my middle 2 up for the online version thinking it would be easier to administer and might be easier for my ds who has visual tracking issues (and might struggle with bubbling in a scantron accurately).

These 2 kids rarely ever use a computer, so I’m wondering if there are some easy things I can do between now and May to help them with computer skills so that does not interfere with their test performance.

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I would also look and see if there are "practice" questions available or even a "how to take this test" video so you can talk through the interface with them ahead of time.  You might want to let them know whatever you can find out about how the test works -- can they go back and check previous problems, or is there no "going back" once you hit submit? Is it timed? When can breaks be taken? And so on.   We've never done that particular test, but with the test we've used to meet our state testing requirement (We've done the NWEA MAP test the last few years) I made sure to inform my kids the first time about how the test works, so they knew what to expect.  That one is adaptive (continues to get harder until they've gotten too many wrong, basically), so some questions will definitely be on material they won't know, so I wanted them to know not to feel bad that they definitely wouldn't know how to do all the math.  There's also no skipping questions to go back to later like there would be on a paper test. 

Agreeing with HomeAgain that something like Prodigy Math or Khan could help with practicing mouse/keyboard skills and generally learning how online questions might work.   

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My kids did the online version when elementary school age through Brewer Testing. Mouse skills and familiarity with reading off the screen helps. You can use Khan Academy for practicing computer test taking skills. My older was faster than my younger so he was done and had his score profile report before my younger kid completed all the sections. We opt for two days and did Stanford 10 with Olsat bundle. Their reports were emailed to me in pdf format.

ETA: Theirs was done in 2013. DS17 was in 4th grade. So basically my kids did the 3rd grade and 4th grade tests.

Edited by Arcadia
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