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Please tell me it's going to be ok...

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We got one day of school done this week. Just. One. And tomorrow isn't looking very promising. Oy.


Last week wasn't much better.


Neither was the week before.




Why does this keep happening??? I have lost all control, obviously.


dh hasn't worked for 2 months, mom is buying new kitchen counters, so the house is all topsy-turvy with the old ones in the dining room (although Habitat for Humanity came & picked them up this morning finally!!!), no sink connected in kitchen, sick kids (remember the pneumonia & concussion?), church drama, family drama (sister is going through h*ll right now and taking everyone else along for the ride), blah, blah, blah.


Then today I got the bulk of the work for a fellowship breakfast this sunday dropped in my lap AND the Christmas Eve program (why do they always wait until the last minute and WHY do I keep saying yes, I'd be happy to help you out!). OY.


So tell me that this HUGE bump in our homeschool road will soon end and all will be well. Tell me that as soon as Christmas is over, we will get into a routine and have many days of nothing but school work and housework and family time. Please.



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This is a really hard time of year, and it sounds like you've got even more than just "holiday stress" going on. I say it's fine to have some weeks where not a lot gets done. And yes, in my experience January is a great month for getting life back to normal and getting lots of schoolwork done. Great month for snuggling on the couch on a rainy day (always a rainy day here in Oregon) and just read read read! I'm trying to make a mental note to start school August 1st next year and just take off from the week of Thanksgiving to Christmas. Or at least let the school load be very very light then. There's just too much other stuff on Mom's plate during those weeks!


Hang in there! It WILL get better.

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Thank you both.


I have done a much better job of saying no to outside activities this year than in years past, but ever since Thanksgiving, it's been just AWFUL!!!


We usually take 2 weeks off for Christmas/New Year's. Not this year! We'll work hard to get "caught up". I feel better just getting it off my chest. Thanks for listening!!!



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I laughed and read the beginning of your post out loud to my husband and daughter, who said, "Wait, and this wasn't posted by you?"


I think it's something about the season. At least, that's what I tell myself over and over when I can't sleep.


Say it with me: It'll magically get better in January. It'll magically get better in January. It'll magically get better in January . . .

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I'm right there with you. It has been minimal at best this week (mandatory make and muster math, spelling, grammar, and journaling only).


These are the unique challenges to homeschooling. We don't get that school time to get our tasks done. We are always living in our space and it is hard to get the extras done.


My friend down the street sent her kids to school today even though it was optional because of torrential rain and flash flooding. she said she needed to get too much done around the house (note to self not to constantly compare the lived in look of my house to hers- I love her anyways).


Having said all that, I do think our priority is our children's education, and if that means getting creative with weekends and evenings...so be it. We are going to end on the 17th when my parents arrive.


It will be okay.



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Then today I got the bulk of the work for a fellowship breakfast this sunday dropped in my lap AND the Christmas Eve program (why do they always wait until the last minute and WHY do I keep saying yes, I'd be happy to help you out!). OY.



Lol, saying no gets easier with practise. Make it your New Year Resolution :) People only drop that stuff in your lap because you go along with it. Put a traumatised facial expression on and say "Oh, I'm so sorry I really can't do it. Oh I wish I could, I'm just snowed under at present and would hate to put my name down then have to pull out at the last minute, that'd be awful. I'm *really* sorry, I feel terrible saying no. I hope you can find someone to help out." That way it's obvious you do want to help and you aren't just being a meanie.

Everything is always better in January, so don't worry about that :)


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