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Is Latin Prep as hard as it looks to me?


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Well, here's my experience. I looked at Lively Latin a year or so ago and was dumbfounded. Everyone said it was such a great program, but I couldn't make heads or tails of it - I had no no no latin background, as you say.


So I opted to buy Latin For Children because it was taught by a latin teacher on DVD. I since (only on lesson 7) have learned a little about how latin works. So I also purchased Latin Prep to use as another source of latin. Had I looked at it a year ago I wouldn't have understood. But now I can understand a little better.


I think, though, that if you dive in and really start reading it and doing the workbooks it'll start to make sense to you. Latin is a little intimidating at first, but I think after a couple of lessons it'll sort itself out. And you can always joing the yahoo group to ask any specific questions you have for understanding.


Hope that helps.




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I prefer a video teacher myself, especially for a subject that I know nothing about and can't even pronounce. But we're muddling along. We're on Chapter 5 out of 10. We do one quick thing every day. This takes probably 2-20 minutes a day. Serously, often it's just two minutes. At this pace, it will take us well over a year to finish this book. But that's OK. Slow is better than not-doing, right?


I wouldn't say it's hard. I would just say it's not elementary-level. It's definitely a more serious study that, say, Prima Latina and Minimus, which is what we worked on before. It seems an appropriate level of difficulty for a 10-12 year old. (My son was 10 when we started.)


I like it enough that I JUST got their Spanish program. I do wish I had a video teacher though. Pronunciation isn't so important in Latin because nobody speaks Latin. It's much more important in Spanish. I'm not sure how I'm going to get around that. ?? (Yes, I bought the listening CDs, but still!)

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I have NO< NO< NO Latin background, and the sample pages seem difficult right off the bat.


Is it just me or is it too much for the beginning student (10/12)?





Thats the right age for starting.

Take it slowly. It does makes sense. And it is humorous.

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