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Audio CD suggestions for kids dd11, ds10, dd6, ds3

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The Saturdays and it's sequels, Hank the Cowdog (the author reads these and is hilarious ), and the Little House books on Cd.


I am ordering the Gone Away Lake and it's sequel for my girls. It's by Elizabeth Enright, the author of the Saturdays, and both books are available on sale this month at http://www.Listenandlive.com. I will post the sale info from the email I received if you are interested. This company has several series of audio books on sale this month ( Including the Saturdays and All of a Kind Family ), but I cannot find the info on their site.


Hope this helps, Cindy H.

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My son (14) loves the Jim Hodges audio books. He has lots of G. A. Henty books along with old time radio and more. New out is an Old Time Radio Mr. President CD. The only thing about the CDs is that they are in mp3 format. So far, we haven't had a problem with that but it does bear mentioning.


Anyway, the web site (they can only be purchased via the web site or at Homeschool conventions) is:




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The Redwall books are great! The story might be a little more intense for your youngest, but the dramatization is really well done. Fun voices and accents. And the author is the narrator.


We have both the Focus on the Family Chronicles and a set that's not-dramatized, just read. But the readers are Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi and others. http://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-Narnia-Complete-Box-Unabridged/dp/0694524751/ref=pd_cp_b_1?pf_rd_p=413864201&pf_rd_s=center-41&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0694524662&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1EVK1RANFCC3AVKR0GEE

It's very well done!


Mine have also enjoyed Kate DiCamillo's books on CD.


And Peter Pan read by Jim Dale is wonderful.

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The Saturdays and it's sequels, Hank the Cowdog (the author reads these and is hilarious ), and the Little House books on Cd.


I am ordering the Gone Away Lake and it's sequel for my girls. It's by Elizabeth Enright, the author of the Saturdays, and both books are available on sale this month at http://www.Listenandlive.com. I will post the sale info from the email I received if you are interested. This company has several series of audio books on sale this month ( Including the Saturdays and All of a Kind Family ), but I cannot find the info on their site.


Hope this helps, Cindy H.


These are cheaper at Audible - i saw book credit gift cards at WM last night for $9.93. But my member price is $12.95.


But i'll have to keep those in mind for DD.

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My kids loved the Mary Pope Osborne Tales from the Odyssey set. Not overly cheaper/bang for the buck though.




The Trumpet of the Swan , narrated by EB White was great too (i 'm going thru the list of what i've bought).


Timer buzzing on oven - but they also enjoyed Josephina - the AG set, it's all 6 books in one download!

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My kids loved the Focus on the family - Narnia series as suggested by the others, Also All of a kind Family my 9dd and 11dd likes it. American girls Josephina,Felicity-dd9 likes it. We also like Freddy the pig series narrated by John Mcdonough(i hope i got the name right). Jim weiss is also a favorite here too.



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We just bought the A.A. Milne on audio cd. It's a great value because you get four books in their entirety(not abridged versions). The narrator, Peter Dennis, was chosen by Milne's son Christopher.




Two are poetry (but absolutely delightful, and my dd's favorites):

When We Were Very Young

Now We are Six


And then the two stories:

The House on Pooh Coner

Winnie The Pooh.


Your older two may reject Winnie the Pooh as babyish, but hearing the stories on audio is just different. Disney aside, the real stories, especially read by Peter Dennis, are not babyish to me. But then I'm what..8 or 9 years older than them?:tongue_smilie:

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I thought Whales on Stilts was an amazingly great book - DH and I had to hear the ending and DH borrowed it to take it to work to finish it. The second one was not as good. It was FUNNY!!


We LOVED Understood Betsy on cd. Apparently it's a little tough to read aloud (long sentences, etc.) but it was a dream on cd.


The Focus on the Family audio set of Secret Garden, Little Women and the third book I can't remember - was really great.

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