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What are your thoughts of Writing Strands 2 & 3?


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We are fresh off of our second try with Writing Strands (Level 3) with my 11yo. I love that it's written for homeschoolers, is very budget-friendly, is recommended by The WTM, and is complete. The author's sense of humor was a nice touch for both my son and myself.


However, my ds is just too practical and was questioning the need to write the suggested assignments. They were silly and non-sensical to him. (i.e. writing a description of your friend...) He asked me why he needed to write about the color of his friend's hair and eyes. He likes to write about factual topics (history, science) and opinions, and I am re-vamping his composition studies to meet those preferences.


I understand and appreciate the author's intent, but I couldn't justify the approach when my ds dreaded it. Hence, we're looking for other ways to "skin this cat".


In summary, I would say that if your ds enjoys writing creatively and you and he don't mind his sense of humor, then it may work nicely. It's worth looking at the samples to determine if the assignments might appeal to him.


my 2 cents,

Edited by angela&4boys
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I'm considering level 2 for my just turned 7 year old to start in January. I've heard many say they don't care for WS 2 & 3, but do like levels 4+, but I don't recall why. Also this child is quite an independent learner, thus doesn't like too much instruction, would Writing Strands fit him or could you recommend another program?


Just adding he did copywork in K and has been doing very well with dictation in 1st this year, I'm looking for our next step.


I don't care for Level 2; IMHO, that much directed composition instruction is not necessary for dc so young. I would wait until your ds is ready for Level 3 and start there.


I had an independent learner, too, but the thing is that you cannot always let those kinds of dc do what they want; especially in writing instruction, feedback/correction/etc. is an important part of the learning process. Without it, they'll keep making the same mistakes, KWIM?


I'm thinking that you could just stick with what you're doing now, and start Level 3 when your dc is 8ish.

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My oldest used WS 2 a long time ago and I don't remember what I thought of it.


I really like WS 3 for the reasons that one of the others didn't like it. I liked assignments that helped you to learn to write with details such as descriptions of a friend. I liked WS 3, exercise 7 where you make a multi paragraph report about a room in your house using very detailed descriptions. Other people say their kids don't like that assignment. We changed it from writing about the living room to writing about a smaller room (half bath in the kitchen). But we loved step by step a little at a time approach to writing multiple paragraphs in an organized fashioned, but without having to research a topic. Just open your eyes in your house and get organized. It helped, I think, that I selected a room was cleaned and organized to begin with.


I like the "coaching" style approach that WS seems to offer with how to teach. I like that the book can be used as a guided script to help you talk about the assignment. I feel the flexibility to change up an assignment here and there.


WS 4, ok, exercise 1 was weird. We changed the sentence in that exercise so it made sense and then did the assignment. The rest of that book was not that weird. My oldest, 7th grader, is now in WS 5. I like the persuasive essay practice and other skills that are practiced in the book for improving writing.


In general, I like WS. But it took me several times with it to like it. I had to stop handing the book over to my child and expect her to just somehow magically know how to write. Once I was willing to coach my girls with writing, they really took off with the structure in it.


I like that the lessons are in small sections to help build skills such as paragraph writing, including detail descriptions, note taking, outlining and organizing your writing.



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We tried level 3 late last year (DD was in 1st grade but doing reading/writing/spelling/grammar at a much higher level). It wasn't clicking so we tried level 2 and hated it. I gave up and went with Classical Writing Aesop, we both love it. :)

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