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TOG keep DD in D or move her into R level work?

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My DD will be in 9th next year and I am torn whether I should keep her in D for another year or move her up into R? She is a good reader and enjoys reading, but I am not sure of her maturity for the level of work involved. She is also one that I need to push constantly to do her TOG work. Many times she ends up simply writing a quick answer rather than giving the material some serious thought. I do have the rest of this year to guide her into putting effort into it, and we are working on it, but I still worry if she will be able to handle the rigor of R.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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Good morning, Jean,


I am in the same boat.....I have an 8th grader who needs to start moving toward the Rhetoric level......Artsy dd.....who would much rather knit than do her TOG work......


Here are a few things to think about.....


1) Will this student be doing these lit pieces in a four years? If not, you might want to bump her up now. If yes, then don't rush her.


2) What year plan are you in right now? If you are presently in Year 1 of TOG it would be harder to bump up your student. Year one pieces are much harder in my opinion than say, Year 3 pieces.


3) You don't have to do ALL or Nothing. You could do a little of both. That is the beauty of TOG. And that is what I will be doing with my 8th grader. I am going to try her with "some" of the Rhetoric pieces this spring, to get her feet wet. And I am giving her some "say" in what we do. She really seems to like being able to choose what pieces she will be studying.


Hope this helps!





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and I am torn whether I should keep her in D for another year or move her up into R?


Hi, Jean,


I'm only weighing in because others aren't! (Isn't that a great disclaimer!?)


Anyway, I'm in sort of the same place, only UG/D for my 12 yr old. So last year, we did mainly UG, and this year we're doing *mainly* D, but it's just a transition. As the year goes on, I see that he's more and more at the D level. Do you HAVE to make the switch at the beginning of the year? Can you look through Unit 1 (or whichever unit you'll be starting with) and see what looks possible, with a goal of ending up in R by the end of the year (or the middle of the year, or whenever)?


When I first read WTM, I think I had this idea that my child would conform to the book :lol::lol::lol:, but I see now it's a much fuzzier proposition! This is probably the first year that it hasn't completely stressed me out, too!


Hope you get some more btdt answers. (I like to bookend my disclaimers. :))

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Thanks ladies. We will be in year 2 next year and she wont come to year 2 again, which is why I was thinking we needed to do R. I guess I could start in D and move her up into R as the year and she progressses. I just like everything neat and tidy and figured it be better to start in R at the beginning rather that switching around. I will have one D so I will have those materials here anyhow. Maybe we can start in R and if she is struggling move her back to D until she is ready.

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Thanks ladies. We will be in year 2 next year and she wont come to year 2 again, which is why I was thinking we needed to do R. I guess I could start in D and move her up into R as the year and she progressses. I just like everything neat and tidy and figured it be better to start in R at the beginning rather that switching around. I will have one D so I will have those materials here anyhow. Maybe we can start in R and if she is struggling move her back to D until she is ready.


This would be hard to do for literature if you want to have her completing the literary analysis. The way it's set up in year 2 students incrementally learn the process of literary analysis and by week 20 or so (I forget) there is pretty much no hand holding. But you could skip that and just have her do the readings you choose and answer the related questions. Year 2 rhetoric literature is hard, but Marcia and Christy Somerville put together an appendix for the "Teaching Rhetoric Literature" document that includes what to cut out of rhetoric literature.

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I hate to post our experience cuz we're just strange but after starts and stops and TEARS with TOG we're finally succeeding.


My vote is to get her eased into R level work in 9th grade. We're on yr 1 around week 23. At first I thought we'd never make it but here we are. I'm very amazed at the jump ds has made in both work ethic, scheduling skills, depth of understanding and our discussion quality. I might even say I'm impressed with writing too but if he read all this, his head might explode :) He's definitely maturing in all ways, schoolwork also. He was a young 9th - bday in Aug.


Go for it. I've heard (thanks, Karen, I'm scared now) yr 2 is harder but I've also seen the tremendous improvement with little by little approach and the building of skills I've seen so far so harder - bring it on!


You can always sub some d readings in if need be.


9th grade is just hard, I think. German, Algebra, Biology - whew. We're buSY. HTH>

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Jean, I eased my 9th grade dd into R level, while still keeping up with the literary analysis. We just followed the plan for cutting, and didn't even have to cut all that was recommended (although we certainly did take some extra time). I did hold her hand A LOT through the literature and poetry outline process at first, but I am finding she's able to do more of it independently now. I also throw in some D level books or AO selections occasionally, just to give her something to read that's lighter and more apt to be read in bed than those behemoth Norton Anthologies. :)


I think you've got a definite advantage over me in that your first year of TOG wasn't jumping in to R level w/her. You'll already have your ideal TOG week flowing smoothly, so it won't be that hard to adjust. I'd just keep in mind that I have read on the TOG forums that starting out w/R level lit does require a lot of hand-holding, and not worry about doing that too much at first. I never thought I'd see the day that my dd didn't need it, but we're there! (Well, getting there, but a little bit is still amazing to me!)


For the history, we've spent a lot of time on discussions, and I've seen that be helpful to my younger dd, just listening in. If you're already doing that this year (in D level), then that won't be such a huge adjustment for you, either. The R level discussions are more involved, and she might need more direction, but I think if you ease into it, you'll be fine.


How is Year 1 going?

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Go for it. I've heard (thanks, Karen, I'm scared now) yr 2 is harder but I've also seen the tremendous improvement with little by little approach and the building of skills I've seen so far so harder - bring it on!



Don't be afraid. If we can do it, believe me, anyone can. If you have the advantage of already done Year 1, you'll be in a good position. For some reason I got it in my head we'd start TOG w/Year 2, R level.

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Thanks for the encouagement. Year 1 is going good! It's taken a while to go from simple one word answers to putting some thought into the Q and A (and we still aren't completely there). I have been happy with how are week goes and what we are doing, but I am still torn over whether to continue or not.


My Dd isn't a history lover and doesn't see the point of studying it LOL. She does the work, but I'd love for her to love it, kwim? We are only on week 13 and I do feel like we are finally getting into a groove and it's getting easier.


I also worry whether "I" am cut out fo this! I have never done lit analysis myself, how can I teach R level TOG? :eek: I think I am afraid of failing, kwim?


Anyhow, thank you all!

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I also worry whether "I" am cut out fo this! I have never done lit analysis myself, how can I teach R level TOG? :eek: I think I am afraid of failing, kwim?


Anyhow, thank you all!


If you have Year 2 I suggest doing some of the assignments yourself before you start year 2, at least read the Ryken book.

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