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WWE- we're having problems with the comprehension questions

Annie Laurie

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I'm using WWE level 1 with both my 8 and 6 year olds. My ds who is newly 8 years old is very resistant to new things and a gentle introduction is best, so I kept him at level 1 with his sister.


They both really enjoy the program. Ds8 often does both copywork samples because he likes doing it so much. But when we get to reading the passage aloud, he can't answer most of the questions. I have to go back and reread the passage where each answer is, then he can answer. When we get to "What is one thing you remember about this passage?" he can do that, since we just went over the passage with the comprehension questions. The problem is, that the questions are supposed to help him learn to listen for detail and pick out the important information, right? My dd can answer every question, but ds just can not do it cold after I read, he needs help. Or he needs to read it himself. He is a highly visual learner and not at all auditory.


So my questions are: Is it okay for him to read the passage to himself, then answer the questions and write down his narration? Is there a reason he needs to hear it aloud? Should I be concerned over the fact that he can't remember when he hears something read aloud?

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How long have you been using this method? When I first started with my 14 yo boy and 9 yo girl, they often couldn't answer the questions but after a few weeks I noticed a big improvement. It was a new skill it took them a while to get it but slowly and surely they did and continue to improve.

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How long have you been using this method? When I first started with my 14 yo boy and 9 yo girl, they often couldn't answer the questions but after a few weeks I noticed a big improvement. It was a new skill it took them a while to get it but slowly and surely they did and continue to improve.


Since August. I had the same thought that ds just needed time and patience, but he still can't answer a question after hearing a passage and it's been about 3 1/2 months.


Really, I'm the same way as ds- if dh tries to tell me directions out loud, I can't even picture what he's saying. I have to draw a map or write it down, then I understand. I'm just wondering if ds is ever going to improve with comprehending what is read aloud, if we should keep working on it, or if there's a different way we can go about it. Or if it's okay for him to read it himself, I'm trying to understand if there's a reason we need to keep doing it the way it's laid out in WWE.

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In the WWE book, Level 3 instructs the student to read the passage to themself (w/ questions covered) after which the parent asks the questions. I have B & T in level 2, but I have them read the passages silently. It's working well.


They listen to SOTW, and answer questions after listening to that. If they can't answer the questions, I have them listen again (we have the CDs) or I let them check the book.

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In the WWE book, Level 3 instructs the student to read the passage to themself (w/ questions covered) after which the parent asks the questions. I have B & T in level 2, but I have them read the passages silently. It's working well.


That's good to know, thanks!


I think I’ll move ds up to level 2 after Christmas- he likes to do more copywork at a time anyway, and I’m wondering if moving to 

dictation will help him focus more.  I’m also just going to let him read the passage himself.


I have no idea why the font is like this.

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But when we get to reading the passage aloud, he can't answer most of the questions. I have to go back and reread the passage where each answer is, then he can answer. When we get to "What is one thing you remember about this passage?" he can do that, since we just went over the passage with the comprehension questions. The problem is, that the questions are supposed to help him learn to listen for detail and pick out the important information, right? My dd can answer every question, but ds just can not do it cold after I read, he needs help. Or he needs to read it himself. He is a highly visual learner and not at all auditory.


So my questions are: Is it okay for him to read the passage to himself, then answer the questions and write down his narration? Is there a reason he needs to hear it aloud? Should I be concerned over the fact that he can't remember when he hears something read aloud?


My guess is that in WWE 1, you read the passages aloud in case your student can't read well yet, in which case it would be more efficient for you to read it and the student to listen. I do this with dd8 in level 2, and yes, I do have to sometimes read part of the passage again so she can refresh her memory on what I read so she can answer the question. I suppose it's also good practice for listening and paying attention to detail, even if you're a visual learner (like I am), because there'll be times in adult life where you have to *listen* for information. But a lot of learning will take place from books, which you can *look at* to get information, so I think it's fine right now that your son needs to look or have info. re-read. But you already figured that out! Just thought I'd share my experience, too, from another visual learner.

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My guess is that in WWE 1, you read the passages aloud in case your student can't read well yet, in which case it would be more efficient for you to read it and the student to listen. I do this with dd8 in level 2, and yes, I do have to sometimes read part of the passage again so she can refresh her memory on what I read so she can answer the question. I suppose it's also good practice for listening and paying attention to detail, even if you're a visual learner (like I am), because there'll be times in adult life where you have to *listen* for information. But a lot of learning will take place from books, which you can *look at* to get information, so I think it's fine right now that your son needs to look or have info. re-read. But you already figured that out! Just thought I'd share my experience, too, from another visual learner.


Thanks, that was helpful.

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I think it's important to learn to answer the questions after having heard it read aloud. Listening and gathering details and understanding the narrative thread is a skill that everyone should develop.


Have you tried reading just the first paragraph, asking the related questions, then going on to the next paragraph? Basically, asking the questions as you read rather than saving them up for the end?


I would allow him to narrate from material he's read to himself as well as continuing to ask him to narrate from material read aloud.

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My ds who is newly 8 years old is very resistant to new things and a gentle introduction is best, so I kept him at level 1 with his sister.




He is a highly visual learner and not at all auditory.


I could have written this post myself! (Minus the younger sister. :))


I am using WWE 1 with my 8yo ds who is also resistant to change, highly visual, and weak in the auditory area. I find that we have the very same issues and I too have toyed with the idea of letting him read it himself. The conditions have to be just right (the stars aligned etc...) for him to hear the whole story.


I do think it's vital that they listen to you read in some subjects. If he is listening to you read science and/or history, for example, then I'd say "Yes, let him read it to himself.". We've been doing SOTW and Apologia for the better part of two years now and he does fairly well with those. His narrations have improved immensely and it helps if I gently remind him that he needs to be listening beforehand. I'm finding that he is just not interested in some of the passages that are in WWE.

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