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Those with larger families...


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All kids do individual subjects for math and LA and literature.


We combine history. I read SOTW for older kids and they write narrations or summaries. We are just beginning outlining as well and we will use the SOTW text and the Bible for this. I read picture books or biographies to the little ones. I also will pick a family read aloud that goes with time period in history that we are studying.


We will start Latin next year and I will include both of the older ones

together. (I will probably drop grammar for the first year of Latin!)


We are trying to do individual science curriculums for the older but thats not working out real well.


I don't think there is any way to follow her "suggested" schedule for each individual kid. If you tried to, then you would become "The Well-Drained Mom!" :D



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I combine everything that is possible. I combine History and science which really only happens for my two oldest the younger ones often go play. I do individual math, reading, grammer, combine spelling ( we use sequential spelling), and writing. My oldest is a little behind and my 2nd is a little ahead so it works. My 1 st grader has struggled with reading and so that is our main focus with her. I plan to just incorporated her into what we and do just simplify it. My husband does sign language and Latin in the evenings, again mainly with the older two but 1st grader still joins in here or there.




ds(10), dd (8), dd(6), ds(2), ds (2)

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I previously tried combining everything I could, but the kids particular needs meant nothing got done that way. NOw Everyone has their own program plan for 90% of our schooling, art and music we do together, History/geography/science they are doing the same topics but in their own time with the exception of experiements or projects, we do those together, but reading, worksheets, narrations etc we do individually. None of them get things exactly the WTM way, but it is close enough and each gets his/her academic needs met. It tires me out more than when I tried to teach them together but at least now they are actually learning something.

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With my elementary aged kids we combine bible, latin, history, science, read alouds, writing, art and music. They do math ( I do have 2 in the same level math)and grammar on grade level.


This year we do all our group stuff first thing in the morning and then I take turns working one on one with each of them.


Once my kids are in high school they work independently.

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I have a bunch but we also have a family of 6 living here who homeschool their 4 with ours, so we have 8 total HSers and my oldest is in PS. This is how we do things: Everyone gets their own phonics/language work at the same time, we go around to whoever needs help during that, but most of the time consumed is with the two Kers learning to read.


After Language we do writing and the oldest (4th grade) does his own assignments, the two 2nd graders do either copy work or a grammar lesson with me and the Kers and 1st grader do copy work. Those who finish quickly start their reading time alone or read aloud to an adult if one of us isn't busy. This is easiest done as the end of the lessons when the little ones go down for a nap and we have quiet time.


As the kids finish, they start their independant math which is either dry-erase drill sheets, doing their 5-a-day math problems, or reviewing concepts using manipulatives on their own (we use Math on the Level and don't have workbooks). Once I have time, I move on to teaching new concepts and do that in groups or either the preKers, the Kers with the 1st grader, or the two 2nd graders with the 4th grader (often he gets his own lesson, but games and activities he does with the 2nd graders).


History is done as a group from Kindergarteners on up with the other mom. They answer questions as they go along and they do activities and projects individually or as a group. Science is only from field trips or reading aloud from books we get from our library trips that interest us.


Also, we rotate who's on the computers for learning. It takes a couple of kids out of the rotation during times others need more one-on-one lessons. We need to do this more often than we do, it really helps and there is always something to find online that fits the subject we're doing at the time.

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