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After Singapore Math Primary, US Edition?


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We are on 6A of Singapore Math Primary US edition. I am trying to decide what to do next year. I am unsure if we will go on and finish 6B and then look to go elsewhere, or if I will seek to have us just start whatever we are moving on to in the fall. I know in the past, when we finished through 6B, we just moved on to algebra. I am also considering Dimensions Math. But I am unsure what DM will count as. As in, when done with DM 7 and 8, do you just go on to algebra 2? Or will you still need geometry? And if I switch to an American program, it will be either Dolciani Structure and Method or Jacob's Algebra. I also have Foersters. I am open to other programs. I am also thinking if I switch to an American program, maybe I should consider preAlgebra in between, but not decided yet. 

Edited by Janeway
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I’m wondering the same thing. My 5th grader is finishing Dimensions 6B now, and we plan to stay with Dimensions for 7&8. He is getting everything pretty easily and the format is working for us. We always run 2 math programs, so I’ll probably have him do Life of Fred pre algebra independently and/or add in some problems from AOPS. 

3rd grader is finishing Primary 5B now—I’m thinking of keeping him in Primary 6 next year, but then will be in the same boat—do Dimensions 6 or go straight to 7?

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Here is what my kids did:

Kid 1: Singapore Primary through 5B, then Arbor Algebra (Jousting Armadillos, etc), Jacob's Geometry, Foerster Algebra 2, College Class


Kid 2: Singapore Primary through 5B then AOPS Pre-algebra and continued the AOPS series

Kid 3: Singapore Primary through 5B then Dimensions 6-7. We plan on doing 8 next year and then probably Jacobs Geometry. (Dimensions does Algebra 1 and some Geometry). I switched to Dimensions for 6 because it was a more thorough program.

If you go on to Dimensions 7 or Jacobs Algebra, there may be a few topics you need to add in like Negative numbers, Pythagorean theorem etc. But I think either plan is doable.

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