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BJU math


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30 minutes ago, countrymum said:

Kind of a spin off of another thread.

How long does it take you to teach a BJU math lesson for middle/late elementary? What books do you use? Would it work for a bigger family?

It takes less time to teach a lesson than with any other program i have used.  I LOVE BJU math. I think it is an excellent, good quality program. I would say 5-10 minutes to teach a lesson, but closer to 5 most days. I take longer with Singapore Math because in addition to teaching it, we do everything together in the textbook and then they do the workbook alone.

Edited by Janeway
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I was using a previous edition most of the time, though I did use what I think are still current editions for the pre-algebra, geometry, algebra 1, etc. We were looking at 25 minutes together plus her assigned work. My dd is not a fast processor, lol. 

Have you gone through the large samples for each component at the BJUPressHomeschool website? I think as you do that you'll see what components from a lesson you're likely to need for your student and you'll know how long that will take. My dd enjoyed the interactive components of the lower grades, with their stories and extensions to other topics (clouds, whatever). That takes time, lol. We also did the warmup mental math included, which again takes time. 

But they may have streamlined the lessons or your dc might not need those components. So I think just look at the manuals. Sure larger families use BJU, but they get to a point where maybe the mom puts the olders over to the video lessons and only teaches herself the youngers. Or they switch the oldest kids (if they're strugglers and not clicking with the high school levels) over to something like MUS. 

You invest your time where it makes a difference and you move over to independent materials when expediency or maturity dictates. My reality when dd was in high school became that she needed to be independent. MUS might not have been my top match choice, but she could use it and she learned skills of self-monitoring her learning which were frankly as valuable as the math.

Good luck. I know it's hard. BJU is the one where you buy in, are so hopeful, and have a ton of money on the line, always always. Sigh. Start small. MUS isn't that bad. I'm not saying you should use it, just saying don't go by board opinions or snobbery or things that are blacklisted. Just look at stuff, look at your kids, and roll with your GUT. If you look at it and have a vision for how you think you can make it work, then you'll be able to do it.

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