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New grade of "H"

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Other than the unfathomable "H" :confused:, this doesn't seem very unusual. Lots of highschools and colleges allow students to retake a failed course and average the grades, there's nothing very new in that. According to the article, students have to pass the required subjects in 4 years or they won't be able to graduate at all. That actually strikes me as pretty draconian.

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According to the article, students have to pass the required subjects in 4 years or they won't be able to graduate at all. That actually strikes me as pretty draconian.


Yep. Michigan just increased graduation requirements so that EVERY student has to pass what is basically a college-prep curriculum - 3 yrs math (including Algebra 1), 4 yrs English, I think a foreign language, social studies, etc. and get it all done in 4 years. Now how an "H" differs from an "F" or helps them graduate, I just don't get. Never mind that we're still churning out plenty of "graduates" who can't read or balance their checkbooks.... :glare:

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