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CC: Fourth man in fiery furnace in Daniel: angel or Jesus?


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This discussion is so interesting to me! I have a much better understanding of Lutheran theology now.

I'm going to revise myself to a 1 pointer. 😉 1/2 pt. for total depravity (I think humans tend toward sin but can choose good) and 1/2 point for unconditional election (God chooses some and it is not based on their merit).

I love how we can go from the fiery furnace story to this. 

Edited by MercyA
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"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6).

God rewards those who diligently seek him. Diligently seeking Him comes before the reward. How can we diligently seek Him without free will? Diligently seeking Him is a part of faith, and we cannot please Him without it.

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men... so that they should seek the Lord." (Acts 17:26-27).

The reason that God made mankind is so that we would seek Him. 

I am enjoying this conversation and appreciate those who are contributing. I hope that seeking Him is what we are doing in this thread.

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8 hours ago, MercyA said:

This discussion is so interesting to me! I have a much better understanding of Lutheran theology now.

I'm going to revise myself to a 1 pointer. 😉 1/2 pt. for total depravity (I think humans tend toward sin but can choose good) and 1/2 point for unconditional election (God chooses some and it is not based on their merit).

I love how we can go from the fiery furnace story to this. 

Yes to the bolded!  I just discovered the thread last night and was so surprised and excited to see how the conversation had turned.  I love geeking out on theology.

I vote pre-incarnational Christ in the fiery furnace.  I’m guessing you already taught the Sunday School lesson this past Sunday?  I hope it went well 😊

Edited by WoolC
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@forty-two and @WoolC 

Please forgive my lack of response. It is not for lack of caring or from a lack of appreciation for your efforts--quite to the contrary.

Here in LA we've been hit with a terrible monsoonal type heat (105 ish plus humidity). With dry heat, I'm good. But despite the AC my sleep has been poor and my mind is not functioning very well. Understatement.

I will circle back when there is a greater hope that my cognitive function allows me to fully penetrate this.

Even with half-a-brain, I see some unresolved issues.




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