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Farmers to Families Food Box


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I had heard mention of this but didn't pay much attention. Yesterday my Mom was telling me they were delivering produce boxes to a church in our town. I got a box yesterday and was very impressed. If anyone is looking to supplement through grocery budget in these rough times it is great if available in your area. Last week they evidently gave out boxes on Wed and Fri, next week it is supposed to be on Friday. It varies each time when it is and what it is. I only wish I had known this when I got groceries on Tuesday, because I shop for 2 weeks I got lots of produce, looks like we'll be eating more than I planned (never a bad thing).

The box I got had:

3 lb oranges

1 lb strawberries 

3 lbs granny smith apples

2 lbs white nectarines

1 head green leaf lettuce

2 green bell peppers

3 slicing tomatoes

2 yellow squash

2 large sweet potatoes

2 lb Klondike dust (sm roasting potatoes)

3 lb white onions

1 lb baby carrots

1 bunch asparagus

All produce like you would find in the store, not seconds or anything like that.

ETA: Boxes are free, first come, first served.

Edited by soror
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Ah.  I looked up how it’s being done and see that it isn’t necessarily local food sourced. 

And it could be meat and dairy so it sounds like if getting a box, plan to see what’s in it and then shop for what extras might be needed after.




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32 minutes ago, Pen said:

That’s amazing!!!


 I am trying to figure out where geographically could even have all those things in the same season.  

It sounds delicious and healthy both!!!

Yes, not all local but everything that has a marking on it (some was lose) is from USA. I did see that there is meat and dairy some places but evidently none here yet.

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This week's box: 

bunch celery 

3 zucchini

3 slicing tomatoes

3 lb cuties

1 lb apriplums

6 oz organic blueberries

3 lb red onions

3 lb russets

3 lb jonagold apples

3 cucumbers (large)

1 lb asparagus

1 lb baby carrots



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9 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

How do you find out if this is in your area?  Is there a website that shows this?  I have searched and not found anything. 

I found out because my aunt has been running the school lunch program and they get a drop there. I think they had posted on Social Media, so maybe check out the schools to see if they have any info?

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