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Dh is considering

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going to college and we're not sure where to start. I graduated from college in my 20s but that was too long ago for me to remember where to go from here.


He hasn't taken any college courses so he'll be starting from scratch. He is looking at a computer field, maybe computer forensics. We're trying to find out what kind of degree is needed to make him employable in his new field whether an A.A., Bachelors or Masters.


Also, our income this year is terribly low, given his extended unemployment of 8 months, so we should qualify for some financial aid. Now, he's at home with 3 kids (2, 6 and 8) so we're trying to see if this can be done online.


Anyway, if anyone has been there recently could you share some ideas on where to begin.



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I would look for people who have the kind of jobs he might be interested in someday and get their opinions. Often more schooling offers more possibilities. Then check community colleges, state schools, technical colleges ... There is a lot of information on line and admissions people are there to help. Ask, ask, ask and see the options available. Then figure out what can be done for how much money, if on-line is better or not and all the home issues. I wish you the best.

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I would point you toward Strayer. A friend and colleague of mine finished her BS in some IT field there, while working full time, with a small child. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of her work was distance learning. He can probably also knock out a number of his GERs at the local community college, but he should have a plan first, so he can make sure the credits will transfer before he takes the classes.


In my experience (I'm a former software engineer) IT positions mostly look for a BS or higher degree, and 5-7 years experience. I would suspect IT forensics would want more than that. That said, I don't have a degree at all, just a lot of experience and absolutely no fear when it comes to hacking something I don't already know. ;)

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My DH went to college for the first time when he was 32 and we had 6 kids at the time. We did qualify for some financial aid but we paid for it mostly via student loans. I started a day care in our home while he went to school days and delivered papers at night.


I think in this day and age he will neeed a BS at the least and some certifications might help too. A good idea would be to look on monster.com or computerjobs.com fo jobs in your area to see what is out there and what employers are requiring.

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We're doing it and surviving! DH just graduated this spring with a double BA in French and English. It took him four years. We didn't have much money so we qualified for a lot of grants and other financial aid (we took out a small amount of loans to help us live). He also worked his tail off and received A LOT of scholarship money...he is very bright. While going to school full time he also worked 3/4-full time. It was difficult, but with a little planning, it can be done. Your dh will have to fill out the FAFSA (I think that is the name of the government document) in order to get any government assistance or even university assistance. Oh, and my dh went to a state school.


We moved across country this summer and he is in an English PhD program. Money is still tight, but we are making due. He got a great offer, but CA is a more expensive place to live.


Anyhow...I say "go for it!" if that is his desire. It is difficult and challenging but it can be done.

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