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What dr do I need?


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I'm thinking we need to go to a pediatric Gastroenterology. Long story short, dd2 has been having perpetual stomach pains, like daily. Local clinic did labs, found nothing. XRay showed at that time she needed to have a bm but nothing major. She's been going regularly. Regardless we need to know what is causing this, if pain is caused my bowels, why all of a sudden and constantly, even when she is going daily? My first guess was gluten as she (and all the kids) had been gf pretty much forever, they started back in May. At first she said she was fine and then started complaining, these days it is constant, sometimes better, sometimes worse. The NP said she was running a Celiac panel but she knew nothing about Celiac(she first told me there was no test) and I know they are not 100%. I'm getting a copy of the tests today, in the meantime I know we'll have to get someone who knows what they are doing. 

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11 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

You can be constipated even with bm. The celiac sounds on track. I know nothing about it, but I hope you get it figured out! And if they ran the panel, then does that mean you can start changing diet and see if it helps? 

If we change the diet it will affect future test results, so that's a no.

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A pediatric gastroenterologist is the best doctor.  They will be able to run a celiac panel properly (if she's not eating lots of gluten before the test then it can be off).  Our ped GI doc also did a biopsy to confirm the celiac disease.  (It wasn't bad at all.)  But if not celiac, then they will also know what things to check etc.

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