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Still overthinking Latin- Visual Latin users needed

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I know I know, I'm still overthinking Latin.

Background: My 5th/6th/7th graders have completed Song School Latin 1 and 2 and Latin for Children A (these 4 "years" taking more like 6, but who's counting).  We will be finishing up LFC B in the spring.

What I've decided: I don't really want to go on to Latin For Children C.  It's been getting dry and honestly, a bit overwhelming.  We'd like something a bit more engaging, and to back up and solidify a bit.  Neither do I want to jump into Latin Alive.  Honestly, it doesn't look great and I'm not impressed by the reviews I'm finding here.  

What I'm considering:  Visual Latin.  Looks engaging.  Definitely looks different.  We might enjoy a more whole to parts approach.  But it look SO DIFFERENT.  Is it too different?  Where does it leave you after 2 years?  Ready to move into straight translation?  Ready for a college/high school program like Henle or Cambridge?  

Edited by Coco_Clark
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I'm a little confused by what you are actually considering. Is it Latin Alive? Your 2nd paragraph says you don't want to jump into Latin Alive. Then it says Latin Alive is what you are considering. 

FWIW, my son went from LFC B (2nd edition) - vastly more interesting and engaging than 1st edition btw - into Latin Alive - 3rd edition (no idea what is different) and is enjoying it. He's a 5th grader but really loves Latin. The workload ramped up considerably though as it should because it counts as a high school credit.

Edited by calbear
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22 hours ago, calbear said:

FWIW, my son went from LFC B (2nd edition) - vastly more interesting and engaging than 1st edition btw - 


SO true. We had the earlier edition and they would say on the video "so and so isn't here because she has scarlet fever" and my kids would mark all the lessons that girl wasn't there for.  It was so strange. I am glad your 5th likes Latin Alive. My kids don't like the videos but I do. 😃

OP, bump for you. Much of the Visual Latin material used to be available online, so that would at least give you an idea about progression.  

I don't know anyone who started with Visual Latin that continued, but none of those people had done prior Latin.  




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If you follow the recommendation to read Lingua Latina, this thread gives some ideas for what could come next.  https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/477026-after-lingua-latina-part-1/

That's just in theory though, in reality I agree that it would be nice to hear from people who actually completed VL 1 and 2. It seems that the vast majority of people who continue latin at the high school level do so with an online provider. I'm not sure if that is why there are so few users... I already own it and enjoy it (I posted in your other thread) so I will be using it with kiddo #2. Still, I'd also like to hear thoughts from anyone who completed both levels.

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Yes, I've seen comments about the NLE.  Is it a big boost for college applications? It also looks like there may be scholarship opportunities if you do well several years in a row.  TBH we are a large, low income, family and college at all is a question mark. I'm trying to get the education I want them to have now because I'm not sure what I can provide later. CC and trade schools are more likely than university.

My own Latin goals are pretty murky. I like the brain-training aspect of it. I like the grammar we've gained. I hear it makes other languages easier. Maybe if my long term goals were more solid I'd have a better idea of what to do now.

I know in the short term that we are feeling a bit overwhelmed by LFC. Too many bits and pieces and memorized chants. I know we want more translation and a bit less grammar charting.  It's almost stopped feeling like a language, if that makes sense.  I also know that we'd benefit from some review, and heck...we have time for it.  My Latin kids are 10-12!

Anyways, thanks for all the links!!

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GIven the ages of your kids,  and the other info you provided, I would take a look at Latin Book One, by Scott and Horn.  It is/was available *free* on Yahoo groups…I downloaded the files years ago.  It is an older jr high/high school level Latin, and the Yahoo files have answers, too.  

There used to be more chatter about Latin Book One (LBO) here on the boards years and years ago.  

I used this book for three of mine so far, after they had moved through all of LFC A and most of LFC B.  They needed more translation type work, and more reading.  LBO does that well. With LFC, my kids were so busy memorizing the trees, that they had lost sight of the fact that they were standing in a beautiful forest.  LBO helped them enjoy the forest a little more.  I used it to fill time before high school (and one of mine used LBO and part of Book Two for high school credit before moving to Henle).  I bought vintage copies off Ebay for a song and printed off the answer keys from the files I had downloaded.  

I head that the Latin Book One group moved to Facebook, but I'm not on FB, so I can't verify that.   ETA: here's a link to the Yahoo Group, and it gives a link to the FB group…

I'll see if I can hunt up some older threads for you. 

Edited by Zoo Keeper
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