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As I uploaded Story of the World 2, I realized we had recently listened to it in the car, over a year ago. Just before DS10 started home schooling, I had it in the car and we listened. We never did any activities. And as far as reading goes, he is all in to medieval times so he has been reading a ton of extra reading already.


Question is..should we still go forward with SOTW and add in activities? I am thinking that might be boring. I was also considering TGTB history and Masterbooks US history. The only US history we have done is from Pilgrim time so I know we would want to skip pilgrim time. I am open to other suggestions too. Also, I have the other SOTW, I have everything for all levels (except tests of course). So I could try to move forward in the books to get to something new. I also have several books all over the house on a variety of subjects, history related, so we could move to that.  And maybe I should consider straight geography.

Edited by Janeway
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