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Shout out

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To all the people who work so hard to keep this board great, from the folks who I hope are well-paid to do so ;), to the founders of the Well-Educated phenom, to those of us who've been here from a way back when, to the "fresh blood" who are just beginning to train up the kids my children wait to babysit.


Things continue to be a tightrope walk around here on so many levels, and will for, oh, ever. But I am feeling just so very blessed to "know" such incredible people: y'all are so dang smart, funny as heck, sometimes as disagreeable as, well, my children when first awakened :D , and a precious resource for so many, hugely varied, absolutely vital, or completely silly reasons.


Instead of naming names, which would take forever to get through the million or so of you, and I need to sleep so the creeping crud can hie itself out of my bronchii, I just wanted to tell ALL of you Thanks.


You rock. You know it's true, no need to blush. I'm rarely here these days -- too much Real Life to be completed. But still, you absolutely rock. It's a gift to be able to come here if I'm fresh out of ideas for a cantankerous kid or medical issues or special needs or a deep discussion about all things homeschooling.


I hope you all have a peaceful holiday (those of you not observing -- make up an excuse to sit with a cuppa something nice and think grateful thoughts -- I'm feeling bossy, so it's an order). May you look gently upon the cranky relatives in such a way as to make them sweetly subside, unable to remember why they would ever have thought to be cranky in the first place, may your dog leave the turkey alone, may the pies be just right, may you end the day with a smile on your face, a hug for your honey and feeling in your tired feet.


Blessings, people.



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I can answer that: her punkins are gorgeous and sweet and scrumptious. I got to snuggle her smallest li'l punkin in my very own living room yesterday. He's positively edible. And her 11 y/o is a delight.


I'm, just, just, jealous and speechless and how do you rate, anyway?? ;) You lucky girl!!


Hi to you too, btw. How are you and yours? Big hugs, ma'am.

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Hugs back at ya. :D We're trundling on with regular life and generally doing well. How're you? I seem to remember some hurdles for your family this year?



Thank you for asking! We are doing well. Things have been a bit of a struggle this past year, but, God is good and we are ending the year on a good note! :001_smile:

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