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We need a new Spanish curriculum


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We started with So You Really Want to Learn Spanish last year and put it away after a few months.  I pulled it back out this year and after 8 weeks I'm done with it.  It's not horrible but it is not teacher friendly in my opinion, it takes us soooo long just to complete a short lesson, We both struggle with the speaker on the audio CD and I just don't feel like we are really learning much.   My son is in 7th grade and I'm wanting to learn with him.  I've signed him up for a free class at Homeschool Spanish Academy but I would love other suggestions to consider.

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The good news is, there are so many wonderful programs to choose from!

If you want grammar-heavier such as SYRWTLS, then Spanish for Children A  might work well for you.  It does move quickly without a lot of repetition, but it is easy to use.  If you have the discipline to review more often than the program tells you to, you could memorize the material quite well.

Some of my other current favorites: Easy Peasy online (set up an account & make a donation) and The Great Courses Spanish 1 & 2.

We also enjoy Salsa Spanish by Georgia Public Broadcasting for new learners as well as Destinos for intermediate learners.

Best wishes!

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I'm committed to an immersion/comprehensible input method of Spanish learning for my kids.  We have been using The ULAT and I really, really like it.  My kids are so-so about it.  I force them to "interact" with the video teacher - repeating when he tells them to, answering questions, doing the hand motions, etc.  They hate that part, but they find the teacher funny enough that they don't protest too much.


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My 9th grade daughter used Homeschool Spanish Academy last year.  She enjoyed it but the end result was not pleasing to me in that she can still not carry on much of a conversation.  Her tutoring focused more on memorizing words than conversing, although she did converse somewhat with her teacher.  I know many people praise HSA, so maybe we just got the wrong teacher.  Nevertheless, this year she is studying with Ray Leven online.  Hopefully, that will be a better fit for her.

Mr. Leven's class wasn't a good fit for my 7th grader this year.  So, we are returning to ULAT and loving it.  I tried ULAT when I had elementary students and it wasn't working, but this year it seems to be perfect.

My 4th grader is using The Learnables.  This is my first year using it, so I cannot give a solid review.  Although, others have highly praised the program.

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