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The Spinning Mind Teachers Lounge 9-9-2019


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Morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Yesterday and even this morning had/has my brain in the spinning whirling dervish of anxiety. I don't really know why. Well, I know 
partially why. We are once again, at the same time of year, where finances are quite precarious. About a month or so ago I decided
I want to BREAK this cycle but it hasn't broken yet. Anyway, now you understand today's theme.

Anxiety anyone? Here: see above!

What are you looking forward to this week? Here: a couple of different webinars, meeting with friends, learning some more alongside my son,
and a conference this weekend.

Is your weather getting cooler? Here: haven't been outside just yet but it's supposed to be in the low 70s for the low all this week. Yippee! "Bout time!


Talk to me!

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Hi ya, Scrap. 

When my mind does that (especially at night), I put on instrumental hymns. My mind is then kept busy filling in the words. 

As far as I know, this week is much the same as any other week. I am pecking away at some large projects and it would be nice to see even a little bit of progress. 

We have started the rainy season here though I see some sun in the forecast midweek. 

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Yes to anxiety. It started last night, actually yesterday afternoon. 

And I was up pretty late last night because of it , and awake so early with my brain looping this ridiculous circuit. 

And my oldest dd who is currently living here for a few weeks was really nasty to me this morning, stomping off in a huff. I spent some time bawling in the laundry room. Its discouraging and frustrating because she's old enough to know better. But she continues this maddening stuff. I think I want to beat my head bloody on a brick wall. It would be more productive than talking to her.

And it's my birthday.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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I took about a 45 minute nap today and that helped. Feeling 75% better? AND the biology book I had on order arrived today! 👏
I realize that, to some, a biology book is not that exciting but this one I've had my eye on (Devotional Biology) because, when I read the description
it really resonated with me! We will probably be doing a small co-op, starting at my house, this October. Will be interesting! Now to find a microscope...

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