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An update on my "struggling" post...

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I wanted to say thank you, again, for all of the suggestions, encouragement, etc. that you gave me in my "struggling" thread.


Our new system is working great! We also decided to allow speech and debate back into our son's life since he made such a turn around. I had him contact his coaches to ask if they would accept him back.


For speech, he'll easily be able to step right back in and will be competing at our first qualifying tournament in January.


As for debate, the partners have already been matched so he may not be able to compete. However, he told the coach that he was willing to help the team with research, be a substitute partner when needed, help at tournaments, etc. We even worked at a tournament our club hosted on Saturday. He timed a few rounds and I think it really sunk into him that his actions had prevented him from enjoying this competition.


I'm so thrilled for him that he will be able to participate again!

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Yeah! It's nice to breathe that sigh of relief when our kids repent and step up. :001_smile: Just gird yourself: it seems like they sometimes take two giant steps forward and then down the road, take a solid step back. :glare: I finally had a paradigm shift after reading Ted Tripp's Age of Opportunity. Each failure is an opportunity to walk beside our children and allow the Lord to work in their life.


Have a great weekend ~


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Yeah! It's nice to breathe that sigh of relief when our kids repent and step up. :001_smile: Just gird yourself: it seems like they sometimes take two giant steps forward and then down the road, take a solid step back. :glare: I finally had a paradigm shift after reading Ted Tripp's Age of Opportunity. Each failure is an opportunity to walk beside our children and allow the Lord to work in their life.


Have a great weekend ~



Yes, that book is great isn't it! I need to dig into it again. I can actually see it from where I sit at this very moment. Time for a refresher!:)

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What did you do for your "new system" if you are willing to share?






We went through his Potter's School classes (he's taking 4 and these were the source of our problems) and entered them into Outlook on my dh's computer. We listed them by assignment due date.


We printed that out and put them on the corkboard right above Jordan's desk so that he could see two weeks worth of assignments at a time. When he completes something, he tells me and I record the date and time it was uploaded in red pen right on the sheets that were printed. That way, each one of us can see, at a glance, what is done and what's not.


Since everything went into dh's outlook, he gets a reminder on the dates things are due. That works like a back-up plan. When it pops up on his computer, he'll double check with Jordan and I as to whether the assignment is done or not.


We have not had a single late assignment since and, in fact, nearly everything has been turned in early. I think all of us just needed to see things in one place.


Jordan and I also sat down and worked out a daily schedule so that he could work on his subjects in longer blocks. So, instead of hitting every subject every day, he has two hour blocks for certain subjects. So, he'll work on chemistry for 2 hrs. on Friday morning (for example) which gives him plenty of uninterrupted time to focus. With this set up, he might be able to complete a lab and a set of questions all in one block. It's working great!


It wasn't rocket science but it took some thought and planning to get something that would work for student and parents.:)

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it took some thought and planning to get something that would work for student and parents


Sounds like a great setup.


I think it's pretty typical that the 3rd method tried seems to work out the best ;) 1st method was kind of a generic stab in the dark as to a 'method' of organizing and monitoring assignments, dates, followup, etc. 2nd try method tends to get close, possible working for parents but student or vice versa... but the 3rd try seems to fine-tune the 2nd method/attempt and kind of works out for all involved.


Sounds great. Thanks for sharing how it works.



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