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Putting GreatCoursesPlus math courses in sequential order -- need help from mathy people

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Okay, Mathy people!  I'm trying to make a list of the Math classes available on Great Courses Plus that lists the classes in a logical order of progression.  I never took Geometry, or Statistics, or Probability, so I'm not sure the usual order they recommend.  Straighten me out here!  Maybe Geometry usually goes between Algebra I and Algebra II?  I don't even know what Differential Equations are, so I have no idea where they go.  What else?

Math Classes on Great Courses Plus

Mastering the Fundamentals of Mathematics

Joy of Mathematics


Math and Magic

The Secrets of Mental Math

Prove It: The Art of Mathematical Argument

Art and Craft of Mathematical Problem Solving

The Power of Mathematical Visualization

How Music and Mathematics Relate


Geometry: An Interactive Journey to Mastery


Mind-Bending Math: Riddles and Paradoxes

Algebra I

Algebra II

Mastering Linear Algebra

Mastering Differential Equations: The Visual Method


Mathematics Describing the Real World: Precalculus and Trigonometry


What Are the Chances? Probability Made Clear

The Mathematics of Games and Puzzles: from Cards to Soduku


Statistics Made Clear

Big Data: How Data Analytics is Transforming the World

Mathematical Decision Making: Predictive Models and Optimization

Calculus Made Clear

Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear

Understanding Calculus

Understanding Calculus II: Problems, Solutions, and Tips

Understanding Multivariable Calculus

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We’ve only done a few of these, but I’ll help with those.

Secrets of Mental Math: can be done as soon as kids have a grasp on arithmetic with the four basic operations, or any time after that to strengthen math skills

Math and Magic: more magic than math, but fun. Can be done any time after a person has learned arithmetic, though exposure to modular arithmetic (usually covered in a Number Theory class) would make the math come easier.

Mind-Bending Math: Riddles and Paradoxes: the first several lessons were accessible to a kid with good problem solving skills at an elementary/middle grades level, but many of the later lectures assume familiarity with higher math, including at least calculus

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So, accounting for Jackie's suggestions, and a few from DH, who told me that if they provide the formulas, you can take Statistics before Calculus, but if they make you derive them, you need to take it after....  I'm changing the order a little.  Any other suggestions?


Math Classes on Great Courses Plus

Mastering the Fundamentals of Mathematics

Joy of Mathematics

The Secrets of Mental Math

Math and Magic

Prove It: The Art of Mathematical Argument

Art and Craft of Mathematical Problem Solving

The Power of Mathematical Visualization

How Music and Mathematics Relate

Geometry: An Interactive Journey to Mastery

Algebra I

Algebra II

Mathematics Describing the Real World: Precalculus and Trigonometry

What Are the Chances? Probability Made Clear

The Mathematics of Games and Puzzles: from Cards to Soduku

Mastering Linear Algebra

Mind-Bending Math: Riddles and Paradoxes

Calculus Made Clear

Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear

Understanding Calculus

Mastering Differential Equations: The Visual Method

Understanding Calculus II: Problems, Solutions, and Tips

Understanding Multivariable Calculus

Statistics Made Clear

Big Data: How Data Analytics is Transforming the World

Mathematical Decision Making: Predictive Models and Optimization

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The foundational math classes usually occur in the following order:

Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Trig and Precalc, Calc 1, Calc 2, Linear Algebra, Multivariate Calculus, Differential Equations

Statistics and Probability can be done anytime after Algebra is mastered, unless it is Calculus based Statistics, which I doubt.

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So, probably this order.  Some of the classes overlap in content, it looks like, and some of the "fun" classes are more flexible.  (I went in and read the description of each lecture for the Statistics classes.  Two of the Statistics classes looked basic, so I moved them, and two were unclear, so they are still at the end with a little space.)


Math Classes on Great Courses Plus

Mastering the Fundamentals of Mathematics

Joy of Mathematics

The Secrets of Mental Math

Math and Magic

Prove It: The Art of Mathematical Argument

Art and Craft of Mathematical Problem Solving

The Power of Mathematical Visualization

How Music and Mathematics Relate

Algebra I

Geometry: An Interactive Journey to Mastery

Algebra II

Mathematics Describing the Real World: Precalculus and Trigonometry

What Are the Chances? Probability Made Clear

The Mathematics of Games and Puzzles: from Cards to Soduku

Mind-Bending Math: Riddles and Paradoxes

Big Data: How Data Analytics is Transforming the World

Meaning From Data: Statistics Made Clear

Calculus Made Clear

Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear

Understanding Calculus

Understanding Calculus II: Problems, Solutions, and Tips

Mastering Linear Algebra

Understanding Multivariable Calculus

Mastering Differential Equations: The Visual Method


Learning Statistics: Concepts and Applications in R

Mathematical Decision Making: Predictive Models and Optimization

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