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My first thought when I opened my first package of Instead. . .

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OK, I am lost, what is "Instead" that comes in a package?

Hey, Anne, we have some things in common (I checked out your blog). My husband is also Dan and we are in Minnesota, using Saxon 5/4 (I split it in 2 sessions a day, like half the mixed practice to finish in pm), R&S grammar, SOTW. Are you a broomball player or a veterinarian? If so then things would be really strange:eek:!

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After 11 years of using cloth pads (and dagnabbit, I think I deserve one whonkin Sustainability Award for that thankyouverymuch), I graduated to Instead. It. was. revolutionary.


My first thought, after all those years of basically wearing a diaper, was Oh, my word I feel like I'm going commando!


I hope these work for you; they don't for some. If it does, you will be so happy, I'm not kidding.

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No, I believe it's not a tampon, but a menstrual cup. Similar to the Diva Cup and Keeper. I used to used the Keeper, but then got the Moon Cup, made by the same company and love it. It's a lot softer. I've been using this alternative method for about 7 years. I love the freedom it gives.



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No, I believe it's not a tampon, but a menstrual cup. Similar to the Diva Cup and Keeper. ...


The idea is similar, but the shape is very different. Before children, I couldn't use Instead, and after my second, I couldn't use the Keeper anymore. Instead is also disposable. I use one per cycle (removing and washing as necessary). The other nice thing about Instead is that it can be bought at some regular drug stores -- you don't have to order online.

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Soph the vet--funny that we have so much in common. However, I don't play broomball and I'm not a vet. :-) That would be really weird.


As for Instead, the verdict is out on that one yet. I'm having some problems with it leaking and it doesn't seem to stay in the right place. I might just buy a divacup instead--I can pick one up at the local health food store. This is all new territory for me. :)

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They're not tampons or pads, they're an alternative. I still use pads occasionally in addition to or instead of Instead, but I haven't used a tampon in years and years and can't imagine going back.


You can learn about Instead here:



Diva, Keeper and MoonCup all have almost identical design, though quite different than Instead. They are meant to be kept and used for years, while Instead is disposable. (Many people wash and reuse 1 or 2 Instead cups for a single cycle, thus only going through a box a year.)




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