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Inexpensive Tablet for a Kid?


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My daughter has an Amazon Kindle Fire 8 that we bought it December.  It has suddenly stopped charging and won't charge despite a hard reset, etc.  We've tried all the things.  It's basically dead.  My account at Amazon indicates that it may be replaced through Jan 3 2020 but they're refusing to honor that and insisting it only has a 90-day warranty.  As a "favor" to me they'll give me a 25% discount on a new one, but because the original one was on sale when we bought it, I'd still be paying $10 more for the new one.  Needless to say I'm steamed and not inclined to buy another Amazon device.  

So I'm looking at another tablet.  An iPad is more than I want to spend.  She mostly uses it to listen to audiobooks and play a few games.  Nothing taxing.  I'd like to keep it around $100-150.  Recommendations? 

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