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If you wanted your 8th and 9th graders together in science

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If you have to use one of those two I'd go with Physical Science. That ~might~ give the 9th grader a science credit although some of the colleges we are looking at do not accept Phys Sci as a high school credit. Plus I kind of like the course; it looks pretty interesting.


Are either of them science oriented or above average in motivation?




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Are you thinking of using the DVDs with your science program? I recently watched the sample snippets of both Physical Science and Space and Earth Science on the BJUP website.


The Physical Science lesson looked outdated, and the teacher (Mr. Harmon) didn't keep my attention for more than a few seconds. In contrast, the Space and Earth Science lesson was crisp and really interesting. Space and Earth Science won hands-down.

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Thank you. I am thinking of the DVD's, unless BJU offers some other option in the spring. If I do go with the E&S, I would pobably do biology the following year, the chemistry the next one; skipping physical science altogether.


What would I list the S&E as on my 9th grades transcript?

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What would I list the S&E as on my 9th grades transcript?


I'd just list it as Space and Earth Science. (If others have reasons not to list it as such, I'd love to hear the reason.) Does it include a lab? If so, I'd list it as Space and Earth Science with Lab.




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We did the DVD's for Physical Science last year and we loved Mr. Harmon! I did not feel it was outdated at all, except for his suggestion to buy a balance. My oldest son is at GA Tech, and they do NOT use those types of balances anymore! But--the content of the course was complete, rigorous, and my two ds learned a lot!


This year, we are using the DVD's for biology and I like those as well.

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