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The Very Unmotivated Teachers Lounge 6-3-2019


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Happy June and welcome to the Lounge!

We have for refreshment tea, water, and  coffee. (Although I may be making a coffee store run if anyone wants to place an order. 😉  )
Along with some clementines, gluten free cookies, and mixed nuts. I think we also have the fixings for sandwiches, as well.

Today's theme stems from the fact that while I certainly HAVE things that need to get done, I'm very unmotivated to do them. I know I'll ge some
of them done, anyway. Maybe I'll procrastinate a little bit more and go for that coffee run...

What are you unmotivated to do today? Here: Mondays here are, theoretically, weekly admin days. This means in the morning, although today will be in the
afternoon, I take a couple of hours to focus on what needs to get done for the week, and i write out a list so I don't forget! That, errands, and making some herbal concoctions is what I'm procrastinating doing.

What are you MOTIVATED to do today? Here: I was actually prepaid to make an herbal concoction so that is motivating me to actually get it done.

Do you school according to a specific school year calendar or year round? Here: most of the time we do year round. However, with me being in WY and family in AZ, my son decided on his own that he was done for schooling for the summer "because (this friend and that friend) are done." I explained to him that's not how this works! LOL But I did give him some leeway and we will gear up again mid-July. However, he still has to do math 3 times a week because - well, it's math.

Talk to me!

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What are you unmotivated to do today? Move 🙂 I would be walking to get my kids and myself lunch but I am tempted to sit all day at the library.

What are you MOTIVATED to do today? Read magazines at the library and relax.

Do you school according to a specific school year calendar or year round? Year round. Spring semester ends on June SAT date. Summer semester starts on June 10th as kids would be attending brick and mortar summer classes. This week is a relaxing week for my kids. Fall semester starts August 15th as we start same time as our school district starts back.

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How ya doin, Scrap?

Today I had to be on my game.  I helped organize an event for our community and between all of us it went off fantastically.  But I'm now beat, and giving myself time to rehydrate and recharge before I do anything else tonight.

We school similar to the public calendar here.  Summers are so nice that we'd rather be relaxing outside during the short warm months.  It also gives me a chance to plan effectively so our year goes smoothly. 

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HomeAgain, I may be consulting you later for how you plan your school year effectively.  Seems my son would like an actual schedule!

I definitely procrastinated. I went and got a vanilla sweet cream cold brew, plus a few other things. Needed to get fennel to put in a salve I'll be making (weird, I know) - well, actually, I'll infuse the fennel into an oil with which I'll make the salve. I also visited a few thrift shops. Bought a portable file/briefcase for 50 cents at the ReStore (Habitat for Humanity) then went to an independent thrift shop to buy a glass bowl. Found that and lots of books (the books were FREE), plus a tine, and a very nice basket. Bought all the latter stuff and forgot to buy the bowl! LOL Ah, well.

Now eating lunch, or maybe it's afternoon tea (according to Hobbit schedule), then will watch a show, then will make this salve that I keep putting off. (Not sure why.)

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