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Gods Design for Science


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I had heard that this series is being updated...does anyone know when it is scheduled to be released? I really want to buy this series....but I want to wait if the update is coming out soon.



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  • 1 month later...
I had heard that this series is being updated...does anyone know when it is scheduled to be released? I really want to buy this series....but I want to wait if the update is coming out soon.






I called this fall and asked. I was told that they updated the series when they first bought it and they have no plans to up date them again, right now.


Obviously someone has their wires crossed because I know Beth called as well. :confused:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else heard anything? I have read on this board a couple of times that it was going to be updated. I THOUGHT someone said January '09 originally. I think I called a while back and the rep. didn't know anything about it. I'm in the same boat. I want this series and just buy one book at a time while waiting to see if there is an update...

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This thread seemed to indicate the books were being revised. I read somewhere *else* that they were updating with more color and pictures, but I can't remember where.


I went ahead and bought their Chemistry books on close-out from R&D Education (the ones who originally wrote the series) for this coming fall. I'm not one who needs the latest-and-greatest anyway. But I understand some do!

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I just spent a considerable amount of time searching the AiG website and I came upon a weekly prayer request from this past July asking their prayer partners to pray that the updated, revised, colour 3rd edition of the God's Design for Science curriculum would be completed and sent to their overseas printer on schedule. The deadline listed was September 30, 2008. So it sounds like there is a new edition coming out but I have so far not found a release date. If they sent it to their printer in fall, then early this year would make sense.


I'm excited. :D I can't wait to buy it!

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Hope this helps! Here it is!:D


Thank you for contacting Answers in Genesis. We are indeed publishing a revised, update version of the God’s Design series. This should be available in March 2009. There are many changes, some of which include:

· Full-color student manual

· More photos and illustrations added to text

· Beginner section for younger readers

· Challenge section for older students

· Answers removed from Student Manual

· Separate Teacher Supplement with all answers to book questions, quizzes, and worksheets

· 7 C’s of History integration with color icons in lessons that relate to the 7 C’s

The content is basically the same, except for the additional challenge section in each lesson, and the full-color illustrations and photos. Instead of the answers being in the books, however, they are now in a Teacher Supplement. We will also have a resource CD-Rom available that includes all of the student worksheets and quizzes so you can print them out, or you can purchase printed copies separately.

The only difficulty that you may find is that, since well over 90% of our sales of God’s Design Science are for the complete 3-book series, we decided to combine the answers for all the Life books (Plants, Animals, Human Body) into one Teacher Supplement. Also, the printed version of the student worksheets and quizzes includes those for the entire Life series as well. So, you’d have some extra material.

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Thank you for getting to the bottom of it!!! You are a gem!


But I am very irritated with AIG. First of all I was already irritated that they won't allow B&N a discount, so I can get my teacher discount. That isn't set by B&N per say that is set by how much B&N has to pay for the book.


Now this. I called this fall especially to find out the truth of the rumor, and I was a bit pushy about it too, asking repeatedly. I was assured multiple times there was NO revision planned, so I went with something else for science (I have visual learners and need the color). If I had had been told that they were revising that would have changed my plans-specifically the order I did things in, so I could use their texts. Now if I change plans mid stream it will cost me more $$, and they don't have one of the topics I need covered at the level I need it covered (which I would have covered first if I had known). :glare:


Heather (yes I will get over it and quickly, but first I have to send them and e-mail telling them just how stupid they have been:lol:)

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Ok this is getting to be silly. I call to ask if the price is increasing, and I am on hold...hold...hold, then I get a massage about pushing something to leave a voice mail if I don't want to hold any longer (I am fine with holding, so I don't), but then it hangs up on me! Just to be sure I call again and it does it again.


I have worked in business for years, and they really need to get their act together.


I did look at sending an e-mail, but can't decide which of their many specific lables my question would go under. ***Don't they know you HAVE to have an OTHER?***


BTW I am half jesting half serious. It is ridiculous, and I am really laughing. It also really makes me think about sticking to the old plan that didn't include using their books, which would be their loss more than mine.



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