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Most readable versions of Lightning Lit 7 books (Tom Sawyer, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, All Creatures Great & Small, The Story of My Life) for a student with dyslexia?

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Reproductions of the classics can have such small, cramped, blurry print. Can anyone suggest versions of the following books for Lightning Lit 7 that might be good for a student with dyslexia/convergence access? I'm looking for versions that essentially have a decent amount of white space...wide margins, good line spacing, readable font. Bonus points if they also include illustrations. Double bonus points for original art. Lol! Yes, we have various Kindles. No, DD doesn't like to read on them. She prefers tangible books. She also doesn't care for large print versions. Picky child, I know.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
All Creatures Great and Small
The Story of My Life (Helen Keller)
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children

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A possibility for the first or second might be the Whole Story series.  They're out of print (I've been buying on Thrift books for a song) but I think they meet most of your requirements if not all, plus the side art and full page illustrations often have annotations that help the story along or specifically show vocabulary.  Our copy of Treasure Island had a detailed picture of what the black spot meant, for example, and a full page spread of various ships from that time period.
Here's a link to Tom Sawyer on Amazon.  I'll see if I can find an internal page, if not, I'll take a picture of one of ours so you can see the print size.

Another option would be to search for editions done by Candlewick Press.  They did a classics series with all original, full page art and usually good sized books.

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Other ideas:
- listen as audio books
- "buddy read" -- "you read a page, I read a page" -- and use a blank index card or sheet of paper to block out the lines of type above, below, or both
- watch a good film version first
- copy-paste a public domain version of the book into a document you create, with the size margins and type/spacing needed, and print it out

Book Edition Ideas:

Companion Library <-- link to a set of 15 volumes of the original 18 volume set; can also find them sold individually
(see photos below of Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn) A vintage series of classics, with each volume containing 2 books in 1 (you flip the book over/upside down for the other story). They are complete and unabridged. The type is a good size, with some white spacing between lines; the pages are more of a regular paperback size, so not an overwhelming amount of words per page; and there are illustrations (not the originals, alas) every so often. The only thing it doesn't have is large/generous margins, but since the pages are a smaller size. Titles include the following, with red being ones that go with LL7, and bolded titles being ones that may be possibilities for future Literature:

- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn + The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- The Swiss Family Robinson + Robinson Crusoe
- The Jungle Book + The Wizard of Oz
- The Little Lame Prince + The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
- The Story of King Arthur + Adventures of Pinnochio
- Just So Stories + Prince and the Pauper
- Little Men + Little Women
- Gulliver's Travels + Treasure Island
- A Dog of Flanders + Tom Sawyer Abroad
- Kidnapped + Tom Sawyer, Detective
- Anderson's Fairy Tales + Grimms' Fairy Tales
- Heidi - Hans Brinker
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass + Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
- Aesop's Fables + Arabian Nights
- Call of the Wild + Black Beauty
- Wonder Book + Nonsense Books
- Tanglewood Tales + Wind in the Willows
- Toby Tyler + Rip Van Winkle

More Book Ideas:

Tom Sawyer
The Illustrated Children's Library -- easy read type, good margins, illustrations (not originals).

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
(see photo below) You get both Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass with this edition, and with original illustrations, large/readable type, wide margins (to leave room for the annotations) -- plus really interesting annotations!

- All Creatures Great and Small
It looks like your only options are the tiny print paperback (which has a few photos in the midst of the thick book), or a large print edition. I'd suggest having an audiobook to go along with whatever print version you get (there are some sections written with thick accents that make for tricky reading, esp. for a struggling reader). And also consider watching some of the TV series, while you are reading -- the series was fairly faithful to the books.

Story of My Life <-- online public domain version
This is a public domain online version with photo illustrations -- I'd suggest that you copy/paste this version to a document you create on your computer, with margins/type size to suit your DD, and print out and read from your printed version. Otherwise, you might try this large print edition of Story of My Life.

- Stories and Poems for the Extremely Intelligent Children
An anthology, with only one version. However, you only read 2 short stories and about 12-14 poems out of it for LL7. The type is smaller, but has fairly decent space between lines, although the margins are not as generous as one would wish for the stories -- the poems are pretty do-able, as they have wider margins. If you feel this just won't work, all the stories and poems are in the public domain, so you could copy-paste the text into your own document and set the type and margins to what would be comfortable for your DD to read, and print out. 

Or, try these versions of the short stories:
- Rikki-Tikki Tavi:
   print out this version (and cover the column of type NOT being read with a blank sheet of paper
   OR, read online from this version with illustrations
- Bride Comes to Yellow Sky
   print out this 10-page pdf --  wide margins, readable type with space between each line



Annotated Alice.jpg

Comanion Library cover.jpg

Companion Library interior.jpg

Edited by Lori D.
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Thank you! I'm looking these up. I've always loved Candlewick Press books.

4 hours ago, HomeAgain said:

A possibility for the first or second might be the Whole Story series.  They're out of print (I've been buying on Thrift books for a song) but I think they meet most of your requirements if not all, plus the side art and full page illustrations often have annotations that help the story along or specifically show vocabulary.  Our copy of Treasure Island had a detailed picture of what the black spot meant, for example, and a full page spread of various ships from that time period.
Here's a link to Tom Sawyer on Amazon.  I'll see if I can find an internal page, if not, I'll take a picture of one of ours so you can see the print size.

Another option would be to search for editions done by Candlewick Press.  They did a classics series with all original, full page art and usually good sized books.


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Thank you so much for posting! This version looks highly readable for my DD. And, probably will not be overly difficult to track down. 🤗 They have Tow Sawyer as well, but it's not the original. Bummer.

This gave me a thought too. I'm going to sift through Book Depository to look for international editions. Maybe I'll get lucky with All Creatures... since the author was British.

ETA - This version of All Creatures... is a little better. I can get it from Book Depository, if buying it used in the US doesn't work out. Yeah! Progress.


9 hours ago, parent said:

Usborne has a lovely illustrated Alice & Wonderland, and I would check there for the others you need.


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A more readable version of Tom Sawyer I happened upon. Both Amazon and Walmart.com carry it. It includes a glossary as well.



This version of ...Alice..., which is the version sold via Lightning Lit's website, really isn't too shabby.


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Placed an order on eBay (had a $5 coupon in my account...yeah). Posting a list of the editions I bought in case someone else needs it in the future.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and also this illustrated one. I couldn't choose and they were cheap enough, so I bought both.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - I ended up going with the manga version as a special treat. DD's already well familiar with the original illustrations.
All Creatures Great and Small - Best I could find.
The Story of My Life (Helen Keller) - Best I could find.
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children - There really isn't another option.

Thanks everyone who posted! I appreciate it.

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